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Phd2 woes

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I've spent two night 6 hours total trying to remedy the problems that I'm having , I tried different ports and then back to the original and it took a 0.1 s image . The problems still persists where I get a message across the top telling me camera has been disconnected telling me that the camera isn't working properly . I went to Sharpcap and the camera is working fine.  It's a qhy5-ll m the camera is working , Device manager says that it's working and the red light is flickering and I increase the time from 10s to 45s before shutdown and still the SOS . puzzled I am. Can anyone offer any help with this issue "Please".

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Some people have issues with QHY cameras, but I have got two (QHY5L-II-C & QHY5L-II-M) and have had no problems.

Things I would try are:

  1. Changing the USB cable.
  2. Reloading the drivers.
  3. Trying another version of PHD2.

What OS are you using?

You can probably do everything you need to do in the comfort of your house...you don't need to be outside to get the video feed in PHD2 working properly.

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You say you are using 0.1 second exposures, try 2 second exposures and see it it works then, as I have had issues with very short exposures, I think sometimes computers can't keep up with the very short subs when using PHD.

besides for guiding you will want to use 1-3 second subs anyway. :)

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I had a similar problem with my Touptek camera.

What version of PHD2 are you running and what operating system are you running on your laptop, and what specific release?

The latest major Windows 10 update did create this issue for me.  I had to completely reset the phd2 configuration (in "the brain" - Global tab) and restarted from scratch building the dark library.  I am running PHD2.6.2 and all is now OK.

I have the exposure set at just under 2 secs and the analogue gain just over mid way.   PHD is incredibly sensitive to the quality of the star field, if it can't find stars it just won't play, and throws up all sorts of strange error messages.  Make sure you can see the stars in sharpcap first before switching to PHD2.  HTH

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2 hours ago, stepping beyond said:

I've spent two night 6 hours total trying to remedy the problems that I'm having , I tried different ports and then back to the original and it took a 0.1 s image . The problems still persists where I get a message across the top telling me camera has been disconnected telling me that the camera isn't working properly . I went to Sharpcap and the camera is working fine.  It's a qhy5-ll m the camera is working , Device manager says that it's working and the red light is flickering and I increase the time from 10s to 45s before shutdown and still the SOS . puzzled I am. Can anyone offer any help with this issue "Please".

Same as this  and was down to the USB cable, work ok in one program but not in PHD .

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