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Morning North Skye delights.


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IMG_4079.JPGIMG_0159.JPGHuge moon meant getting up at 1 ,to a stunning dark sky with Orion dominating the east. Aquila was setting and the wide arc of the Milky Way was right across the sky. Just some familiar ones to kick off, eastern and western veil, both visible without the uhc filter, but glowing with. I managed to get a gentle faint arc of the crescent Nebula, just drifting down from Sadr. M33 was better than a few nights ago with bright knots, even taking x150. 

M1 gave a huge bright and shapely view , right up to x150, I returned to it several times. The Auriga  and Cassiopeia clusters also looked stunning against black sky.

I put out the 10" Dob to cool down. Had great views with a TV 24mm Panoptic, giving tack sharp views across the scenery.

I'd had a few nights not getting our local group, but tonight NGC 891, out from Almach was a huge bright streak with a dust lane, a halo and foreground stars.Even at x50 it is a stunning sight. From Schedar, both ο and π Cassiopeiae were visible , I was surprised to get both NGC 185 and NGC 147 in the same fov..

Both clusters of Monoceros could be seen by eye , some vast nebulosity was caught to the cone and rosette. The stars of Cancer were visible by eye and M44 looked a huge gem, better still the compact bright M67. This showed star clouds at x150 , filling the fov.

Gemini brushed the Milky Way, NGC 2158 beside M35 gave a lovely dusty view at x150. I caught NGC 2392 showing a huge halo and the central star of the "Eskimo Nebula". Both 64 and 65 Gem. were obvious by eye , starhopping to the bilobed NGC 2371-2.I kept returning to our local galaxies as these just looked ace.

M42 was expansive, with a very bright M78 and the huge nebulosity in nearby Eridanus. 3 am and footsteps, it was the ghostly appearance of Mrs.C , shivering , no doubt with excitement , at the sight of so many stars. However as I had a down jacket on and gloves that apparition soon went.

Into  Lepus and from  λ and κ to the "Spirograph Nebula" and across to "Hind's Crimson star ",washed out in 10" aperture. Leo was rising and a really exceptional NGC 2903, long and bright. From Algieba the galaxies, NGC 3226/7,NGC 3190/93 and NGC 3162. 

Dominating the morning was the Milky Way, bright and so very wide through Auriga and right across the sky. Star hopping is a pleasure when even faint stars guide the Telrad. Most of these faint guides I can't see at home ,here's to dark and 

Clear skies !


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Another great report Nick, you are certainly blessed living in your neck of the woods,

my Milky Way was far too milky last night, keep your reports coming, they make a 

cracking read.

Clear Sky's

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Fantastic stuff Nick. A pleasure to read again.  Looks spot on where you are very nice. 

I've caught NGC2371-2 and couldn't quite make the detail out. Good transparency is probably a must on this one.

Glad you got back round to NGC 891. Looking forward to those clear skyes :icon_bounce:

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18 minutes ago, Linda said:

I was expecting you to write about your holiday residence. But you don't. That means you live there?? What a fantastic looking place for astronomy.

Bet you wish that was true Nick, Derbyshire isn't quite as dark :wink:

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Great report, definitely the best time of the year for night long milkyway nebulae.. can only dream how bright and clear. Can you explain...

"huge nebulosity in nearby Eridanus"... You got my interest there?!




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IMG_0153.JPGThanks for the comments, up and out at 3.30 this morning, had a bit of a lay in ! Firstly it was considerably darker , the dust of the Milky Way was right to the ground below Deneb. The whole sky ? glowed with stars, the best I have seen. No breeze or dew just so silent and electric with excitement. 

Some catch ups, the "Cat's eye" NGC 6543, with so many stars in Draco, it was an easy star hop to find it glowing very brightly beside a field star at x50. The glow kept up at a bright x150.

I had trouble finding Cepheus, Errai seemed connected to do many other stars, NGC 7235 is a lovely star clouded cluster at the base. The whole of IC 1396 was outlined in nebulosity, as did the area below Alderamin I keep a handy 25 mm with a uhc at one end of the ep tray.

Over to Auriga and a lovely view of M38, NGC 1907( dusty) ,NGC 1778, M36 and M37. This whole area quite busy by eye, drifting here caught plenty nebulosity. From Propus in Gemini down to NGC 2174 -5 ,a  lovely cloud of nebulosity here of the " Monkey Head".

So very much in Orion, then up to the bright inverted "37" of NGC 2169 in the left hand elbow. I had some more fine views of M1 and M33 taking it up to x150. The clusters in Cassiopea were very fine including the packed M103 and NGC 663. The double cluster just blended into the background , connected by so many stars.

Before light drifted up, I had a grand tour with x15 bins. It's just staggering to catch galaxies, clusters and the mass of the Milky Way by eye and through bins. The morning was very fine , probably the last one this trip as the kind weather system changes,

clear skies !?

old Nick.

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Stop it, I'll be wanting to go there too.... but it's a lot further for me to go!

congrats on nailing more nebulae, I think the alderamin nebulosity could be sharpless 129. Ic1396 is a "proper sized" nebula!

There's more along the left hand side of Cepheus too. Also the heart and soul should be available too.

keep the reports coming!



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Wow.  That dusty MW down to the horizon is a wonderful sight; recently I've had that only once, across the sea from the cliffs of Lands End (after the monstrous car park lights went out).  So glad youi've had good skies, Nick - I now understand why you go there!

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