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Sol 4-10-16 10.15


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dogged by cloud today, but luckly got a few thin parts to get some shots, seeings not bad. the triple spotted spot is looking very nice when i got a few seconds of vis, the whole area is quite active. kit ed80, 1.5x barlow, lunt wedge, 1200d in mono and 1:1 crop mode, iso 100. ive a feeling we have more to come round, fingers crossed. hope you all have cloud free sky with good seeing.  thanks for looking.  charl.


sol 4-10-16. 10.15.png


sol 4-10-16. 10.15 col.png


sol 4-10-16 11.00.png

coloured crop

sol 4-10-16 11.00 col.png


not the best of close ups with darn spitefull cloud. ill update if i get better.

sol 4-10-16 10.16 cu1 col.png


sol 4-10-16 10.16 cu1.png

coloured invert.

sol 4-10-16. 10.15 invert.png



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