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my first night with the Fornax Lightrack II

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managed to get my first light with the LightTrack II. I had very Light polluted skies but sill got some great tracking.Fantastic mount and easy to use for a newbie like me.


The mount itself is excellent. The only issue is the 2 hr running time before rewind. But this is the same for the astrotrack I believe


Got a few snaps with a Canon 1100D and the 50mm lens

pleiades, deneb area, m31





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11 hours ago, Knighty2112 said:

Great work. The middle shot of the Deneb area shows plenty of detail. Well done! :) 

cheers. It was a bit of a random bunch, just to check the mounts performance. Got some field rotation going on but probably due to the fast polar alignment. Also a bit of a red/green gradient.

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