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Hi, I'm new to GEM. Got a new SkyWatcher EQ5, and the enclosed reticle has me puzzled, see pic.

I'm on the Northern hemisphere, but the only depicted constellation is Octans. And I'm missing the small circle to capture Polaris in. As the enclosed manual describes polar alignment with the more frequently seen reticle, as do numerous vid.s and how-tos on the web, I'm a little lost here. I suppose I have to rely on some smartphone app to tell me, where on the dial to place Polaris at a given time?! And is that reasonable?


Any help greatly appreciated.





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You can calculate it if you want, it isn't too difficult but it is much easier to use an app.

Firstly you need to rotate it so the 0 points up then just put Polaris in the right part of the circle.


For example I would put Polaris at 9 on the middle circle.

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As far as I am aware it represents, and takes care of, the slight alteration in the position of Polaris over the coming years. At the moment the outer circle for the period 2012/2016 is the one to use, during the period 2020/2024 the middle circle and in 2028/2032 the inner circle. The manufactures will, no doubt, have in mind issuing an upgraded reticule at some time in the future :)

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Aah, I see now, and I see the slight curving of the lines and the 3 symbolizing a chunk of the cirkle. Thanx!

I do have my doubts about the manufacturer upgrading anything, they haven't  troubled themselves depicting the right tripod in the manual yet. They show this type, where the legs are like three square bars, and the middle one slides. I'll stop ranting:happy10:

Clear skies!


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