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A quality RACI finder?

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I have one of these Skywatcher RACI finders on my Dob but I find it a bit limiting as to the detail that's visible and therefore the ability to find objects. I have therefore been investigation a possible upgrade. I did think about perhaps mounting my small(ish) WO 66mm refractor as a finder but I don't think there is a finder type bracket that will fit it and allow it to be adjusted.

I have been looking at finders with a bit more aperture such as this: http://www.rothervalleyoptics.co.uk/antares-versascope-10-x-60-guiding-x-hair-finderscope.html and there are other options at various price levels.

Does anyone have a recommendation based on experience?

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I know a lot of people get on well with RA finders and it is a necessity for some due to back problems so I'm sure an improvement on the SW 9x50 RACI will prove useful to many.

Personally I had a RACI finder some years ago and really struggled to get to grips with it. I would line up on an object with my telrad and the swap over to the RA finder. If the object wasn't in the fov I would have to go straight back to the telrad and so forth. With the straight through finder I would do the same with the telrad but if the object wasn't in the fov of the straight through finder I could easily keep one eye on the sky and one on the finder view and concentrate on the area the telrad had just put me in until something became obvious. With the RA finder I would try this only to find I had strayed some way away from the original patch of sky.

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I have a celestron RACI. I read quite a few people had issues lining these up with the scope. The problem I've had is that the illuminator is very temperamental . Sometimes it doesn't come on and at other times it comes on some minutes later . I've taken it apart to have a look for loose connection and also tested the voltage of the batteries but can't find the issue . Maybe it's down to temperature ??? I don't think this is just the celestron illuminator to be fair as I also have a Baader illuminator for my recticle eyepiece which shows similar proporties . 

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I have a Altair 80mm Maxi-Finder on my VX12 and it is fantastic. These are not cheap new but I managed to pick mine up second hand in mint condition. I use it alongside a Rigel finder and the combination works really well. The 80mm finder has very good optics so is just like looking through a small wide-field scope :smile:


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1 hour ago, kerrylewis said:


I have one of these Skywatcher RACI finders on my Dob but I find it a bit limiting as to the detail that's visible and therefore the ability to find objects. I have therefore been investigation a possible upgrade. I did think about perhaps mounting my small(ish) WO 66mm refractor as a finder but I don't think there is a finder type bracket that will fit it and allow it to be adjusted.

I have been looking at finders with a bit more aperture such as this: http://www.rothervalleyoptics.co.uk/antares-versascope-10-x-60-guiding-x-hair-finderscope.html and there are other options at various price levels.

Does anyone have a recommendation based on experience?

I have to say, I really like the look of that Antares versascope, so much in fact I am going to sell my Antares 8x50 RACI Finder with 27mm illuminated eyepiece, and buy one of those, thanks very much for posting the link.

i have been looking for a dual finder, guider scope for my SCT for a while and this seems perfect without being too expensive.


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I guess you need a larger aperture finder Kerry. Are you looking for something that will actually show indications of intended fainter DSO targets ?

Personally, for my style of star hopping, I find 50mm fine and even 30mm does OK with my 100mm Tak. Those finders show stars down to mag 9 or 10 which are the faintest that I find that I use for star hopping.



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4 hours ago, kerrylewis said:

I did think about perhaps mounting my small(ish) WO 66mm refractor as a finder but I don't think there is a finder type bracket that will fit it and allow it to be adjusted.

How about one of these?


I haven't used one (yet) but I was browsing and this made me think of your post. I'm (vaguely) considering getting one to use my INED70 as a finder.


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5 hours ago, RuralBill said:

I have to say, I really like the look of that Antares versascope, so much in fact I am going to sell my Antares 8x50 RACI Finder with 27mm illuminated eyepiece, and buy one of those, thanks very much for posting the link.

i have been looking for a dual finder, guider scope for my SCT for a while and this seems perfect without being too expensive.


What setup do you use the 8x50 on at the moment Bill?

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As I said, Been using on my SCT just as a finder, but wanted something that would double as a guider too, as the finder I have, isn't really suitable for a guider, and didn't want to buy and piggyback another scope for guiding, and there is no adapter that wil fit the back of this one, I would have to put guide camera in the diagonal but even then wanted something with a bit more focal length.


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1 hour ago, RuralBill said:

As I said, Been using on my SCT just as a finder, but wanted something that would double as a guider too, as the finder I have, isn't really suitable for a guider, and didn't want to buy and piggyback another scope for guiding, and there is no adapter that wil fit the back of this one, I would have to put guide camera in the diagonal but even then wanted something with a bit more focal length.


Is that a Meade? Do you use it on a wedge?

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11 minutes ago, Stu said:

Is that a Meade? Do you use it on a wedge?

No, Celestron CPC800

Yes and soon to buy hopefully, up to now I have been borrowing it from a friend who has been abroad working, and hoping he will decide to sell to me....for a good price.. :) Mates rates..

then can do a lot more imaging, hence the wanting the new versascope guide scope, or I would have to start spending mega money, which I ain't got, on bigger guide scope and balance weights etc.

But do use it just on the tripod also if just visual, and planetary, ideally in the future I would like a permanent setup, I get very jealous when I look in the DIY obsy section one here, and see all the DIY ideas, it's a bit of a pain carrying it outside each time, and is heavy with the wedge on too.



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22 minutes ago, RuralBill said:

No, Celestron CPC800

Yes and soon to buy hopefully, up to now I have been borrowing it from a friend who has been abroad working, and hoping he will decide to sell to me....for a good price.. :) Mates rates..

then can do a lot more imaging, hence the wanting the new versascope guide scope, or I would have to start spending mega money, which I ain't got, on bigger guide scope and balance weights etc.

But do use it just on the tripod also if just visual, and planetary, ideally in the future I would like a permanent setup, I get very jealous when I look in the DIY obsy section one here, and see all the DIY ideas, it's a bit of a pain carrying it outside each time, and is heavy with the wedge on too.



Good stuff. Looks like your finder sold quickly :)

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I would check that you can get an adapter if you were going to mount a synta style finderscope bracket . I had that issue with my Cpc and had to drill a hole in the top . 

If you can't fit a synta finderscope base the only option is the  celestron raci. You can also buy an adapter for this (from modern astronomy I think?) which allows you to use it as a guide scope . 

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The thread seems to have wandered a bit into the classifieds - but getting back to the subject, thanks for all the suggestions and certainly food for thought. 

6 hours ago, John said:

I guess you need a larger aperture finder Kerry. Are you looking for something that will actually show indications of intended fainter DSO targets ?

Personally, for my style of star hopping, I find 50mm fine and even 30mm does OK with my 100mm Tak. Those finders show stars down to mag 9 or 10 which are the faintest that I find that I use for star hopping.



John  - I don't expect to see the DSOs but I find that the 50mm finder doesn't give me a enough context when trying to track down the fainter suff with the 350mm Dob. i just feel that I need more detail somehow.

Derek - your suggested finder  look interesting and not overly expensive when you see the prices of some brackets and rings alone. 

I'm hoping to get the Dob again out this week with a Powermate that's on the way thanks to the classifieds :icon_biggrin:, so I'll give the 9x50 another go and then decide.

Thanks again chaps. 

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43 minutes ago, Ken82 said:

I would check that you can get an adapter if you were going to mount a synta style finderscope bracket . I had that issue with my Cpc and had to drill a hole in the top . 

If you can't fit a synta finderscope base the only option is the  celestron raci. You can also buy an adapter for this (from modern astronomy I think?) which allows you to use it as a guide scope . 

Yes, but I have the CPC finder bracket, would a 60mm finder fit into this, I realise it was made for 50mm finders, but there is room I think...?


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32 minutes ago, kerrylewis said:

Derek - your suggested finder  look interesting and not overly expensive when you see the prices of some brackets and rings alone.

If you are not in a rush you are welcome to give mine a go on your scope at SGL-XII, Kerry.

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37 minutes ago, RuralBill said:


37 minutes ago, RuralBill said:

Yes, but I have the CPC finder bracket, would a 60mm finder fit into this, I realise it was made for 50mm finders, but there is room I think...?


Cpc Finderscope (this is celestrons standard finderscope)

are you asking if a new 60mm finderscope will fit onto the celestron base ? The answer to that is no as only a celestron Finder can fit into that (either the standard , raci or a Starsense ) most finderscopes have a synta connection. 

or are you asking if the finder scope can be removed from the rings and replaced with a 60mm ? I'd say you'd really struggle to fit it as there is a rubber band which holds it in place at one end which is very tight . 

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I built my own big RACI finder out of a cheap-as-chips 70mm F/5 department-store scope, a SW 90 deg 1.25" Amici prism, and a a modded Antares 25mm 70 deg EP. I got separate filnder scope rings suitable for 60-80mm finders. The resulting 14x70 finder works well indeed. More details here

and here


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I was in a similar position recently and decided to go for one of these:


It needs an eyepiece - ideally about 25mm, but in practice I use a spare 32mm plossl because I want the low mag and wide FOV (about 7.3x and 7 deg). It fits into a standard bracket.

Comparing it with my previous finder, like yours a SW 9x50 RACI, with the new finder I feel I'm looking through a small telescope rather than an accessory. Star-hopping is much easier, especially under my bright London sky, and if I need to or I feel the urge I can swap a higher-power eyepiece in and split a few doubles because why not? :)  I'm also wondering about its potential as a travel scope but I haven't evaluated it in this role yet.

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