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UK map combo of light pollution and clear nights ?


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I once came across a combination map showing the likelihood of clear nights and the level of light pollution in the UK, but an hour on googling cannot locate it. 

Has anyone seen this before, got a link etc.? Would be appreciated. 



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Although it's disappointingly low resolution, west Dorset looks to have a good combination of relatively dark skies and and a reasonable chance of them being clear.

So....do you go for the darkest skies and put up with the clouds, or forego the last bit of darkness for the opportunity of actually being able to use it?

Dorset vs Galloway?

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Looks like here in East Devon might be a white bit but we could do with higher resolution, as said above.  It's good for low light pollution but "clear nights per year"?  I don't think so!

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Doesn't need to be zoomable, we have very good LP maps that are zoomable. I have seen that map before but couldn't remember the link in detail.

Perhaps "resolution" was the wrong word, but I would like a somewhat larger scale for easier visibility.

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16 hours ago, DaveS said:

Although it's disappointingly low resolution, west Dorset looks to have a good combination of relatively dark skies and and a reasonable chance of them being clear.

So....do you go for the darkest skies and put up with the clouds, or forego the last bit of darkness for the opportunity of actually being able to use it?

Dorset vs Galloway?


4 hours ago, Gina said:

Looks like here in East Devon might be a white bit but we could do with higher resolution, as said above.  It's good for low light pollution but "clear nights per year"?  I don't think so!

An interesting and useful map. There does seem to be a large 'white hole' on the Devon/Dorset/Somerset borders (don't get sucked in) but doesn't really stand out as super dark on the Avex map. Regarding clear nights, when I moved from Bristol (on the 'wetter' side of the country) to Manningtree (on the 'drier' side of the country) I assumed I would be getting many more clear nights. I researched the comparative amount of sun/rain and although the amount of rain was much lower in Manningtree than Bristol, there was only marginally more sunshine (about 7%) and therefore (I concluded) only marginally more clear nights, which surprised me. Then again the map does not quantify what 'few' and 'many' means, so the actual difference in numbers of clear nights might actually be quite small.

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Very encouraging for me.  I'm not convinced about the air traffic references though.  My Aerad maps are more detailed and we get a lot of Civil North to South over us here.  That isn't shown.  But I'm pretty well off so shouldn't complain.

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For LP this is the one I use. I hope the link I copied contains the location as well.


The tools at the LH edge allow you to measure the actual radiance.

Last week I stayed just south of Evershot, in a pale green-blue area and could see the Milky-Way well structured down to the SW horizon.

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