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Apologies in advance

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Hi all my fellow compatriots in astronomy. Apologies in advance for what I am about to do tomorrow, which no doubt will bring extra cloud cover over to annoy us all. Going to be getting my final addition to my EP collection by ordering up a 5mm BST Starglider EP. Heard good things about these EP's from everyone, so just the heads up for the extra clouds that will be coming our way for this oversight! Sorry! :(


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I've always wondered what the radius of influence of new astro equipment is.  Being in Texas, I'm not too worried about your purchase, but will the whole of England, Great Britain, or even Europe be clouded over as a result?

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2 hours ago, Louis D said:

I've always wondered what the radius of influence of new astro equipment is.  Being in Texas, I'm not too worried about your purchase, but will the whole of England, Great Britain, or even Europe be clouded over as a result?

I think with it been just an EP I've purchased it will just be the UK really, although this weather can then also spill over into France, Holland, Norway aswell so it could end up been quite a bit of Europe too! Yikes! 

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6 hours ago, Knighty2112 said:

 Going to be getting my final addition to my EP collection ...

The gods are laughing ...

 And so are we.

(Nicely, like a kindly aunt, you'll understand.) ??

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The  3.2mm was my last branded eyepiece to complete my Starguider  set, and they work very well on my f/6 scope, though Its hard to not acquire more eyepieces, as you can see from my signature.
The 5mm has worked  well for me on the Moon,  infact, that's all its seen for quite a while, due to conditions.

Now your probably aware, or maybe not, and this may confuse some folk, depending on how well they view some adverts  but 365Astronomy  are displaying, for example, a 12mm  eyepiece on their site titled " 12mm _ BST Explorer Eyepiece " then a small tab below that says "view products from this brand" showing the LACERTA logo, then a model designation that says "BST-Starguider-ED12" then to top it off, the picture itself is the Paradigm variant, so that's FIVE different brand names for the same eyepiece! FOUR if you discount the OP's mention of  the Starglider?, I'm sure that's just a typo. 

There are several branded eyepieces in use today, all using this same type of ED eyepiece,  but surely that particular page must win a prize for its ability to confuse?

Nevertheless, the eyepiece you have bought, whichever brand  you receive, its still a good eyepiece.

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41 minutes ago, Charic said:

The  3.2mm was my last branded eyepiece to complete my Starguider  set, and they work very well on my f/6 scope, though Its hard to not acquire more eyepieces, as you can see from my signature.
The 5mm has worked  well for me on the Moon,  infact, that's all its seen for quite a while, due to conditions.

Now your probably aware, or maybe not, and this may confuse some folk, depending on how well they view some adverts  but 365Astronomy  are displaying, for example, a 12mm  eyepiece on their site titled " 12mm _ BST Explorer Eyepiece " then a small tab below that says "view products from this brand" showing the LACERTA logo, then a model designation that says "BST-Starguider-ED12" then to top it off, the picture itself is the Paradigm variant, so that's FIVE different brand names for the same eyepiece! FOUR if you discount the OP's mention of  the Starglider?, I'm sure that's just a typo. 

There are several branded eyepieces in use today, all using this same type of ED eyepiece,  but surely that particular page must win a prize for its ability to confuse?

Nevertheless, the eyepiece you have bought, whichever brand  you receive, its still a good eyepiece.

Yep, quite a few different names for the same thing. As long as it performs as good as everyone has said it does I don't care what they call it! Not sure where I got Starglider from!  ;) 

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13 minutes ago, Charic said:

The Moon is up in the early hours, about 0330 for me, due to my tree line, give the 5mm a workout!


According to the app from FLO the next clear window for clear skies is for early Sunday morning, but I'll keep an eye out none the less if it clears any earlier! :) 

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