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After years of lurking


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Hello fellow amature astro folks, after years of lurking I decided to join in here.  I live on West coast of USA and have been involved in the hobby since my youth, though I was, well... invigorated by the advent of affordable goto in the late 80's / 90's and again by the near affordability of imaging chips and filters somewhere around 2007.


I had tried various Newt's but given the mounting requirements went with the more compact 'Cat' scopes (Meade / Celestron) and their GOTO mounts, until I was permanently 'damaged' by the views in much smaller aperture refractors.  This done by an FS-102 that a fellow in my city had for sale...  8 years later I just bought the FC100-DF to relive that joy and am pleased to say that though smaller and lighter than my original FS, the FC is all I'd hoped.  I also have a FS-128 that I have an ongoing LTR... (bought soon after the 102 !) and then it jumps to my XX14g which is an amazing optic and capability for the price.  I just use the tracking most of the time and don't bother with alignment, so it's a push to tracking workhorse.


Just coming out of the imaging rabbit hole and getting back into pretty much visual only and have purchased some of the Morpheus and Delos to compare to my existing stable.

Want to say "Thank You" to all the folks who's posts I have been reading here over time.  Often the question and or evaluations or responses have been useful in my deliberations.

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Welcome to Stargazers Lounge and I hope you enjoy being a member here.

Looks like you have some good astronomy gear here, I look forward to reading more about it.

Thank you for de-lurking! You should have done it years ago! :)

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