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Must get out my thermals


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"Get out the thermals" ! who was the silly billy wot put them away too early ? :):):)  Still raining here and only 60F ,  40th anniversary of the heatwave of '76 :(  ah those were the days , , , when referenda etc , , , I remember them well , , ,

Thanks for the pics chaps.


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3 hours ago, Peter Drew said:

Only 9.5C here today, If this global warming keeps getting worse we'll soon have another Ice Age.   :icon_biggrin:

What's that C in real money ? If this is global warming I want my money back :(

Edit,, 9.5C = 50F !? gosh, I was right to emigrate southwards then !

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6 hours ago, SilverAstro said:

What's that C in real money ? If this is global warming I want my money back :(

Edit,, 9.5C = 50F !? gosh, I was right to emigrate southwards then !

The Fahrenheit scale was made obsolete in 1961...

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39 minutes ago, bejay1957 said:

The Fahrenheit scale was made obsolete in 1961...

Yes, in my laboratory and my engineering,,, but not in my home ! Quite happy with cgs, then MKS and SI elsewhere but to get the sunlounger out and my kit off it needs to be in F :) .  However the odd slug and poundal still lurks in the margin.

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53 minutes ago, bejay1957 said:

The Fahrenheit scale was made obsolete in 1961...

Not in this house and the weather forecaster occasionally gives the temp' in C and F for us old people :)


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It's decidedly cold this morning - I've just put the heating on!!! :(  Summer??  what summer?

Oh yes - light nights - if astronomy gets any less it will go negative :eek::clouds1::clouds2:

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It does mean that the Sun is getting less active and that we can get a few years with very little solar activity. Pity for us for a simple solar filter who can only see sun spots.

I am not sure if little solar activity means less warmth coming our way. 

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This Ice Age story is a bit like the House Price and BBQ Summer headlines we regularly see in the papers which are used as a simple method to boost sales...

I read the excellent Lucy Green book “15 million degrees: A Journey to the Centre of the Sun” and she covers this persistent news head line in some detail. Whilst there is some truth to the story it is far more complicated than the headline states. No doubting weather wise this summer has been disappointing so far, it felt like quite wintery a couple of days ago...:sad2:

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12 hours ago, bejay1957 said:

The Fahrenheit scale was made obsolete in 1961...

And I think I was made obsolete a while ago as well :(

All I did was ask  "what is that C in old money"  !! It was meant to be tongue-in-cheek Didnt want to start a war :)

20 minutes ago, bejay1957 said:

" Fifty years on, ,,,,,,,, inexplicably cling ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(UKMA) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,kill off,, for good. "

Tsk youngsters ,,,  well I can explain it !  ,,,,  ah, yet another organisation with a cause  ,,,,  I cant tolerate intolerance ! :)



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The "ICE AGE" scary capitals hook in that top story is linked mainly ( among other things) to the Maunder Minimum lack of sunspots and absence of the sunspot cycle which ( coincidentally ? ) happened during the mini-ice age of approx 1645 to 1715. Because scary things happened like the Thames freezing over, well yes but not as scary as it sounds because the Thames was much more shallow and spread out than it is today so it was more prone to freezing.

The Maunder Minimum/mini-ice-age  is a statistical sample of just one. Not yet a sigma5 :)

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8 minutes ago, SilverAstro said:

The "ICE AGE" scary capitals hook in that top story is linked mainly ( among other things) to the Maunder Minimum lack of sunspots and absence of the sunspot cycle which ( coincidentally ? ) happened during the mini-ice age of approx 1645 to 1715. Because scary things happened like the Thames freezing over, well yes but not as scary as it sounds because the Thames was much more shallow and spread out than it is today so it was more prone to freezing.

The Maunder Minimum/mini-ice-age  is a statistical sample of just one. Not yet a sigma5 :)

We will probably compensate for it by warming up the earth in other ways. In the norwegian Wikipedia article for Maunder minimum, it says that if global warming by greenhouse effect would be 4 degrees C increase of temperature, a mini-ice age would sink this temperature by 0.3 degree C. The overall effect is therefore still that the earth is getting warmer, not freezing over.

On the other hand, is the poles melt, the oceans become less salt and the gulf stream turns around, we might get a very cold climate here in northern Europe. But that would not be an effect of having a Sun without spots.

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18 minutes ago, Gina said:

IMO anyone who sells stuff really should know what they are selling!!

Agreed, but having made several cock ups in the measuring dept' using millimetres I can sympathise, amazing how easy it measure 690 instead of 960 :grin:


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Not just the gulf stream, but the thermohaline circulation in its entirety, worrying stuff ! There was a study some years ago, sampling of plankton or diatoms or shells or something in the north atlantic, to determine the historical links of the greenland ice cooling as an engine to the THC and they found that recent fresh water dilution was slowing the gulf stream. But later it was rubbished by other studies (surprise surprise) ! Cant remember exactly but something like wrong plankton wrong place wrong methods ??? Then it all went silent scientifically !

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