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Obs - the inside story...


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I promised a while ago to post some pictures of the inside of my Obs, so here they are. Its still work in progress - permanent electrics still to be sorted out and carpet (surplus from a friend) to be laid - but getting operational :lol:

Warm room - computer side


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Warm room - storage side (freed up loads of space in the house!)


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A corner cabinet (designed to hold music, documents etc in small drawers) inherited from a relative is brilliant for storing all those bits and bobs!


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the bit that really matters :lol:


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Corners for more staorage


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And little cubby holes which are brilliant for keeping eyepieces to hand


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I'm chuffed with the way its turned out :) and I'd like to thank my husband, family and friends for putting up with my obsession with this :) ....and you guys for all your help and encouragement :salute:


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That looks fantastic Helen , you must be well pleased with how its all turned out, 100% first class job.

and now turning out very nice images as well , great stuff , now all we have to do is to get Trudie up and running ,



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Glad to see you have as many cables as I have "decorating" the scope and mount

You just can't have enough cables to trip over in the dark I say!

Looking very good, Helen, you must be very pleased with it now.

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Thanks guys!

Rog - yes, we need to get Trudie sorted :lol:

Yep guys, cables everywhere at the moment, but at least taping them to the floor has lessened the elf and safety risk and when the carpet goes over that'll help too. That just leaves the scope ornaments which will get worse once I put the dew straps on :)

Mike - its ready and waiting for the electrician - and I've got a greenwich observatory star mug and coaster to go with it too :lol:


PS I think I need to do an inventory for insurance purposes (it'll be scary to see what it comes to!) and so may well do some sorting out of kit while I'm at it. It could usefully free up some funds for the new camera purchase, so watch this space...

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This looks like a real home-from-home. I'm sure in the long dark cold nights to come (eventually) you will really appreciate the work you and Mike have put into this project. I hope you enjoy every minute in there, and I think as a consequence you will fly up your imaging learning curve (not that you were/are too bad anyway! ).

Thanks for keeping us all posted over the last few months, it has been an interesting experience sharing your trials and tribulations along the way, kind of a bit like the Osbornes on MTV only a lot more civilised :) .


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Talk about Hi Tech, thats fantastic. I like the little touches especially the EP trays fitted between the uprights, this I will copy, thanks.


That idea came from seeing Dave (Stardust)'s Obs!

Another 'touch' you might be interested in Robin, given your scope is the same size as mine, is my storage space for the front cover of the scope. I kept forgetting where I'd put it, so if you look in the picture with the scope on the back wall on the right there's a white IKEA letter holder (happened to be lying around the house) which is the perfect size for the NS8 :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Helen ,

just read through yout current and some previous obs posts . A great looking building , much better externally than average "Shed".

I have started to build my first obs and will be very pleased if it comes out as good as yours !!

Internally it looks like the frame is lined with something prior to the extarnel cladding - is that

a fabric material or solid material ?

The shingles give a very tidy finish , are they indivudual bitumen/felt or some other material?

I hope you enjoy your creation !


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Thanks Phil!

We needed something that looked good as its very close to our conservatory!

The lining in the frame is a sort of textured paper membrane. The shed company normally uses it for summerhouses, but it just adds a little something to the inside of the Obs. I didn't want to paint it inside, I like wood, but we thought something might be useful.

The shingles are bitumen, and come in strips about a metre wide. We put lightweight felt underneath just to be sure it was waterproof. They are heavy though :shocked: - but they look nice! They are pretty easy to lay if you take your time (well I did it with no previous roofing experience!!).

A couple of words of advice....

Its worth all the effort - so even when things don't go to plan remember that!

Pay a lot of attention to getting your rolling mechanism spot on, that's been my biggest frustration and worry.

Enjoy putting in all those little features that will observing so much more fun, shelves in the right places, holders for eyepieces, etc

..and then enjoy the satisfaction of having an Obsevatory :lol:


PS oh, and keep us all informed of progress!!

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