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Sun H-Alpha 30.05.15 (Prominence Alert)


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Heheh. Must've been a shock to the old system (Got up at 6 a.m.)! :eek:
 -- Now notice I got the Year wrong (-1) in the thread title!

Slowly working way through files. Wanted to check out "Barlowed"
stuff. Nothing exotic, just the good old "Skywatcher Basic" 2x. With
"chrome bit" dropped in the eyepiece clamp still gives approx. 1.8x! :)  

Clearly Aperture and Dbl stacking does better, but still experimenting!
Tried a bit of "contrast blending" on the "Shark-Fin" prominence...
Blends in fainter details? But contrast lost... more "glow" added etc. :D





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Right, one FINAL effort! First some fairly random ImPPG'ing on one of the typical Barlowed images:
(I can stitch 2x2 images with M$ ICE, but not always too reliably or with all THAT great a result!) :p


Then something more appropriate for typical "daily" production! (As a hobby, not a job?) :D
(I think it just about managed to link Filaprom to Prom - just in front of the "Shark Fin"...)


One more early-ish morning (tomorrow) just to see what happens to the Shark? :p

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