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Vulcanoes Martian


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On Wednesday last fair registered some interesting images of Mars, however as it would have to travel to trabaho Thursday morning I had to leave when processing to return.
As seeing at the time of capture was very poor I regulated the camera to capture around 270 fps because my intention was to freeze that bad seeing using a high speed.
I think it was well rewarded for both Olympus Mons and the three volcanoes that form the Tarsys condilheira proved perfectly visible with beautiful orographic clouds over you.

Volcanoes Martian.
Volcanoes on Mars are divided into three types: "Montes", "Tholis" and "paterae". The "Montes" (singular "mons") are very large, probably basaltic and mild slopes. The "Tholis" (singular "Tholus") or domes are smaller and steeper than the hills, with a domed appearance. Volcanoes "paterae" (singular "patera") are very varied; with very shallow slopes and complex boilers; Many still have radial channels in the sidewalls.

Olympus Mons (Mount Olympus) is an extinct volcano 27 km high, 600 km in diameter at the base and a boiler of 85 km by 60 km. It has a gentle slope. So, is the largest mountain in the solar system and is more than three times higher than Mount Everest (8,848 m - China, Nepal), has over 13 times the height of the Serra da Estrela (2,000 m - Portugal) and 9 times Neblina Peak height (3,000 m - Brazil). The volcano became extinct about a million years ago and is a vast region called Tharsis high that with Elysium (derived from Elísio) Planitia contains several giant volcanoes, which are about 100 times higher than those found on Earth.

One of the biggest volcanoes Arsia Mons has slightly sloping sides, built successively by lava fluid a single opening. Arsia Mons is the southernmost volcano Tharsis and is about 9 km high and your boiler is 110 km, the highest seat of the Martian volcanoes. The north of this volcano, lies the volcano Pavoris Mons (7 km high), and north of that is Ascraeus Mons that has more than 11 km high. Ascraeus, Pavonis and Arsia form a group of volcanoes known as the Tharsis Montes that are southeast of Olympus Mons.
Adaptation and text: Avani Soares

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On 30/05/2016 at 03:31, astroavani said:

.....I regulated the camera to capture around 270 fps because my intention was to freeze that bad seeing using a high speed.....

Wonderful pics Avani and great write up!

Interesting what you say about frame rates. Folk often say a faster frame rate is better because you get more frames, but I wondered if faster frame rates are better mostly because of the "freezing" effect on turbulence. Your comment supports this.

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I believe so, mate Tom, With high fps rate you will have more chance to capture those lucky frames in larger quantities, not only because it will have greater total number of frames, but also because at higher speeds, the instants good do with bad seeing are much shorter.
I do not know if I could make myself understood, not well mastered English.

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