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Sharp Cap ver 2.8 and Autostackkert

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I have been imaging with a The Imaging Source Monochrome device for years and always used a combination of Autostakkert and Registax to process my avi files without incident.  Recently decided to buy a OSC imager, purchasing a ZWO 120 unit.  Employed Sharp Cap to operate the imager.  I am running this set up on a Lenovo XP based pc.  Spent a good amount of time taking videos of Mars last night and to my frustration, AS would not open a single one of them.  Having experienced this once before, tried opening the files on a Dell Windows 10 laptop.  They opened immediately.  Deleted the current version of AS on the Lenovo and reloaded it again.  Same issue! - Two messages both indicating some form of input error.  Has anyone seen this issue - is Sharp Cap compatibile with XP?  Thanks for any input!


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Problem is XP, it's just too old now. You need to consider moving to Win 7 at least. The fact that these files opened without issue on the Win 10 machine is a clear indication that there is something within Win 10 that is not available in XP that allows AS!2 to open the files.

Having said that, someone may come up with a workaround for you.

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Frank, I work with Lenovo Xp based PC, with Registax 6.0, with AS!2 version, with Sharpcap version and ASI120MC - driver version . I have no problem with any type of file: AVI, AVI-RAW - RGB24 or Mono8, and snapshot PNG.

In Sharpcap I set "Frame Divisor" = 1 and for normal planetary movie "Limit Sequence" = 1

I tried Sharpcap version 2.5 . It was a disaster. It didin't like my ASI camera.

I didn't test with Sharpcap version 2.8.

Maybe the problem is the version of  Sharpcap or the version of AS!2.

You can download de Sharpcap version 1.5 with this link: Sharpcap-V1.5

You can try Firecapture, also.

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if someone could share a short AVI from SharpCap that won't load into the latest AS!2 (and the capture settings file that is created alongside it) I'd be very interested in trying to track down this issue. All I can say is that it all seems to work for me when I save a capture in AVI (either mono or colour) and load that into AS!2.



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