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Lunar imaging with 300mm newt. and ASI 120MM

Luis Campos

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Hi all,


Well, this past week finally we had some clear skies and acceptable seeing so I set up the 300mm newt. and EQ6 and went lunar :)


The ASI 120MM is such a treat on the moon, love it, love it, love it :)


On these images I used a red filter to improve resolution, the seeing was so so, about 5/10 with high frequency ripples.


Here Clavius and suroudings:





Eratosthenes crater with it's ejecta and part of Apennine mountains:





Archimedes and Autolycus craters and the Apennine mountains, also the landing site of Appolo 15:





Hope you enjoy,





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Jules, Peter, many thanks gents! ;)

Visually was was a beautifull thing with the binoviewer set, indeed...seeing is king, and this was nothing special only 5/10 with ocasional 6/10 at best. 

I still have some to process, let's see what comes out :D



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 20 May 2016 at 10:45, Luis Campos said:

Thank you John :)

I considered increasing f/l to make a close up of the Hadley, it's such a nice area, but the seeing was just not up to pair (very high frequency ripples).


Well next time the seeing's good please do so :)

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Hi Luis,

Good to see the big Dob in action, great shots of all my favourites :)

I use the QYH5l-II which uses the same chip as the ASI120MM and I agree its a brilliant lunar (and planetary) camera.

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