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Everything posted by Adriano

  1. Thanks for the comments and the likes. 😃
  2. My attempt to capture NGC 2736, a nebula in the constellation Vela. 116x300sec QHY8L Optolong L-Enhance filtre Sky-Watcher Equinox 80 refractor Sky-Watcher NEQ6-Pro Stacked in Astro Pixel Processor Processed in PixInsight
  3. Image of the Rosette Nebula in the constellation Monoceros. 90x300sec QHY8L Optolong L-Enhance filtre Sky-Watcher Equinox 80 refractor Sky-Watcher NEQ6-Pro
  4. My attempt to image NGC 2359, an emission nebula in the constellation Canis Major. 87x300s QHY8L Sky-Watcher 200/1000 reflector Sky-Watcher NEQ6-Pro
  5. Image of M17, a nebula in the constellation Sagittarius. First use of my new Optolong L-Enhance filter. Camera: QHY8L Exposure: 70x180" Telescope: Sky-Watcher 200/1000 reflector Mount: Sky-Watcher NEQ6-Pro
  6. My attempt to capture M5, a globular cluster in the constellation Serpens. 99x180" Sky-Watcher 200/1000 reflector Sky-Watcher NEQ6-Pro QHY8L Optolong -Pro filter Thanks for looking.
  7. I haven't posted something here in a while. My attempt to capture NGC 5128, a galaxy in the constellation Centaurus. Camera: QHYCCD QHY21 Telescope: Sky-Watcher 200/1000 reflector Mount: Sky-Watcher NEQ6-Pro Exposure: 120x120" L - 44x120" R - 37x120" G - 42x120" B
  8. Very nice image of IC 1805. Congratulations to the author of this thread.
  9. I did another processing on my image of NGC 3201. I think it turned out better than the first one. Defects are less visible.
  10. I used a QHY8L to make the image above. It was stacked in DSS. But I tried stacking in Siril too and the result was not good. The image below was stacked in Siril.
  11. Very nice image. Beautiful galaxies. Thanks for sharing.
  12. I'm having the problem reported in this thread. See the image below. The frames were stacked in the DSS. Is the problem really in the flat frames? Thank you very much in advance.
  13. Hello everyone, NGC 3201 is a globular cluster in the constellation of Vela. The image has its problems, but I like the result. Exposure: 32x300s Camera: QHY8L Telescope: Sky-Watcher Equinox 80 ED Mount: Sky-Watcher NEQ6-Pro
  14. I photographed the Horsehead Nebula back in January. I would like to have added more data, but I couldn't because of the clouds. 29x300" - QHY8L - Sky-Watcher Equinox 80/500 ED - Sky-Watcher NEQ6-Pro I hope you like it.
  15. Very nice image. Beautiful galaxies.
  16. Nicely done. NGC 2264 is a beautiful nebula. Thanks for sharing your image with us.
  17. Very nice image of M42. Thanks for posting.
  18. Nice images. The second version of your image looks better.
  19. Both images are nice, but I prefer the first version.
  20. Just another image of M42. The core is blown out, I know. I shot this image back in January. 29x300" - QHY8L - Sky-Watcher Equinox 80/500 ED - Sky-Watcher NEQ6-Pro
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