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First attempt with CCD and stacking video


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Following hot on the heels of my first DSLR attempts at solar imaging, here is my first go with an Altair GPCam, kindly loaned by a mysterious benefactor called Dave ????

These are the result of two .avi's taken early afternoon today with my normal kit. I used the Altair capture software and didn't not change any settings, just concentrated on exposure and focus. The seeing was pretty poor and I think only about 10 percent of frames were used.

Registax is a complete blank for me, so I fumbled through as best I could. Wavelets are another random guess currently, I've probably over done it hugely.

None the less, it is a recognisable image of the new AR which is only just peeking around the limb, still pretty small.

Any tips or links for Registax welcomed.

Not sure if the first one has uploaded so watch this space!



EDIT First image was native focal length, second with x2.5 PowerMate, probably too much for the conditions

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13 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

Coming along nicely Stu, you'll be an expert come the transit :)

As per Michael and Alexandra I just use AS2 and ImPPG and a final play in PS.


Cheers Dave, it seems a very neat little camera.

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22 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

Coming along nicely Stu, you'll be an expert come the transit :)

As per Michael and Alexandra I just use AS2 and ImPPG and a final play in PS.


Looking good Stu :smile: Same processing combination for me too  :wink: 

Some good processing alternatives on Mark's site too http://brierleyhillsolar.blogspot.co.uk/

Have Fun!


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Thanks All!

Here's my reprocess attempt with AS2 and ImPPG. Still flying by the seat of my pants, but will get there. Wish I had tried this with the big AR not some piddly little thing I can hardly see!! ?


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