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Hello from Suffolk


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Hello all,

I'm new here and thought I'd say hello. I've had a 190MN for 6 years now and this Xmas Santa kindly deposited an 80mm short tube refractor with a SSAG attached to it, underneath the tree. This has meant a superb adventure over the past couple of months, reading books and posts from some very cool folks on this site who have been most informative. So, now I have my old Canon DSLR (400D) set up along with EQMOD running my mount (what an amazing bit of work that is!), Nebulosity for the capture etc. and PHD guiding. I've taken my first couple of photos which, although I know are far from perfect, I thought I'd like to share - just because I'm so excited!.... This really is amazing technology, loving it. So, you guys are responsible for helping me start along this road and finding solutions to all the little various problems over the past few weeks - it's been one of the most rewarding things I've done.





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Thanks Peter - I know... and I thought booze and cigarettes were meant to be addictive...

Cheers Chris - Nice down there, The Maltings at Snape is a great spot too. We're up closer to Diss, a little quiet for me, but dark skies... Although right now I'd like to move to the top of Mauna Kea. P

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Thank you, most kind of you all...

While I'm here - Could I get a quick concept check on something?....

I assume that the danger with these images is trying to stretch out too much resolution (maybe not the right word but I've had a beer) from too little data and ending up with a grainy image.... For example - that image of Andromeda is OK (ish) but it's only 20 minutes worth of photons.... So, I'm going to head out when I get back from Sweden and try doubling the amount of data I collect to 40 or 60 minutes and stretching it out in the same way. If I can keep the noise to a minimum, I should get more detail etc. Am I over simplifying this?

I've got a feeling someone is going to mention an inverse square law here and that I'm not going to get a linear increase in resolution(?) to go with my linear increase in data... But as I say - I've had a beer... two in fact. P.

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Hi Phil, welcome to SGL :) You have some nice looking images there :)

You need more images to reduce noise. You will also need darks and flats.

I notice the M42 pic has clipped blacks - the histogram has been streched a bit too far. If you ease that off a bit more detail will come through. Processing is a mysterious art at which I'm not so good. If you post your images in the imaging forum there are plenty of experts who can help.

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Thank you. Yes, excellent point and that makes perfect sense - It seems like an arcane art this stretching business. Going to take some time I think. I have been taking darks/bias/flats frames and Nebulosity does a superb job of tidying up the data. P

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I won't post any more photos in this particular forum but I just wanted to show you how right you were about the clipped blacks - thanks for that, there was loads more data in there - I hadn't realised. Really appreciate it. P

M42 re-edited copy.jpg

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