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The Sun - 7th November 2015

David Smith

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First one in a few days. All a bit of a challenge just getting a white light at the minute. I had to manually align these in Registax as the wind was blowing the scope all over the place. Still not a bad result for my efforts. Sun was too low for anything else after this.

22824725336_6ecbbb8e1e_o.png20151107 by David Smith, on Flickr

22432376778_7bc4c0e5a4_o.png20151107mono by David Smith, on Flickr

Wind seems to have dropped now and the sky is still blue, never know I might get out to look for some Taurid fireballs later.

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Well done.

Rained all day here. Cleared in the late evening, went out with bins. This morning was clear for an hour. I managed a couple if pics that i will post later. You certainly have to be in the ball at the moment. Its a balence between get a half decent shot, a clear gap, snd letting the scope reach thermal equilibrium.

Sent from my iPhone so excuse the typos!

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