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New Observatory & First Light


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Hello All

After a long period of measuring, sawing, hammering and swearing, I've completed building my observatory (well, 99% - some odds and ends to sort) and managed to get a tentative first image from the setup last night.

Having had a small dome at my previous house I decided I wanted a roll-off-roof this time. I had a good look through the various SGL threads on design before embarking on this, and really liked Laser_Jock's design with a decked seating area in the roof run-off area. My wife was pretty enthusiastic about the idea of a place to sit at the top of the garden, so the decision was made pretty easily. 

(Thanks to Laser_Jock for answering my questions on his construction, and for the very useful set of images he has posted online). My setup in a small hollow in Rutland does not need to combat the Cambrian mountain weather, so I've used wood throughout rather than having a metal cladding layer.

The whole thing has a 3 m x 6 m footprint, overall height to ridge is just under 2.4 metres. 

The observatory houses a Takahashi TOA-150 on a Mesu 200 mount, with a QHY8 CCD (the original design, not the later L version) and a Lodestar auto guider. I've had the Tak and CCD for several years but they've essentially seen no use due to house moves and family. So last night was a night of firsts, including the first attempt at imaging on the Mesu mount, and the first time using an OAG (thanks to the help of Bernard at Modern Astronomy who supplied some spacing rings and mounting hardware, I managed to get the OAG and QHY focused in about an hour).

"First Light" image attached - 7 x 300 sec subs of M57, auto guided with PHD2. These are just light frames - no bias, dark or flats, and no field flattener. Stacked and processed using a trial version of Nebulosity 4, hence the black lines in the image (one across M57 itself).  I got some pretty nasty looking spikes in the RA and Dec guide profiles which I need to track down - that's the next step. 






The most important thing I learned from this build: Evolution circular saws are phenomenal...


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Hi Everyone, 

Many thanks for your kind comments! The site isn't bad - we get some glow from Leicester, Corby and nearby Oakham, but relative to the general region in general we're in one of the less light polluted areas. Last year they had the decency to put full cut-off streetlights in our village, which are turned off after midnight - that also helps.

So far we have spent much more time testing out the seating bit than the observing bit, but hopefully that will change... Steve - the squatter is my eldest son, who paid for this project by effectively having an absentee father while I was building it at the weekends. And Focaldepth - to be honest I may have overestimated the % completeness - lets just say I'm not posting any photos of the wiring or the fit and finish of some of the woodwork...

Jeremy - I see you have a Tak 102 and a C11 in your sig. Do you have these dual mounted?

Thanks again,


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Hello Nigel

>>Jeremy - I see you have a Tak 102 and a C11 in your sig. Do you have these dual mounted?

No, they are not dual mounted. I normally have my C11 in place on the Gemini G41 mount in the obsy, with a Tak FS60 piggybacked on the C11. I sometimes replace the C11 with the FS102, but usually the FS102 is used on the EQ6, outside the obsy, or away from home.

I think the mount would take both the C11 and the FS102, but the set-up would be rather bulky in my 7ft dome, so I would be constantly bumping into it - which I do anyway from time to time!

Go well!


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Hello All

.......I had a good look through the various SGL threads on design before embarking on this, and really liked Laser_Jock's design with a decked seating area in the roof run-off area. My wife was pretty enthusiastic about the idea of a place to sit at the top of the garden, so the decision was made pretty easily. 

(Thanks to Laser_Jock for answering my questions on his construction, and for the very useful set of images he has posted online). My setup in a small hollow in Rutland does not need to combat the Cambrian mountain weather, so I've used wood throughout rather than having a metal cladding layer.


Looks like a great build and location to go with it. Thanks also for the mention!

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I think the mount would take both the C11 and the FS102, but the set-up would be rather bulky in my 7ft dome, so I would be constantly bumping into it - which I do anyway from time to time!

Thanks Jeremy; I keep thinking about mounting a C11 alongside the Tak. But right now the mount is suitably over-engineered for the load it's carrying, and I'm reluctant to reduce the margins. It's a distant thought anyway.

So far I've avoided bumping into any hardware in the observatory. But our rather large greyhound (who is black) seems to like being in there with me, and is proving to be a bit of a stumbling block...



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Nice observatory and love the attached 'sunlounge' - well done. Glad you cropped and reposted M 57 ! When it allows suggest a dedicated AP camera - 7x5m subs will go much deeper. I can capture the central stars in 1 second exp and in colour in 10s+ via my 'live-view' SX Lodestar-Cx2

Keep up the good work:-)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Chris, Nytecam, Rodrigol,

Thanks for your messages (I'm not getting much chance to visit SGL at the moment so am hopelessly slow at responding). Rodrigol - I have the BBQ, but I get a bit nervous when I see open flames near the wooden structure. I fear the BBQ might get bigger than intended...

Nytecam - I took the M57 image with my QHY8, which is a dedicated AP unit, but I don't think I had the Lodestar (v1) working at that time. I'm working on Stefan's Quintet at present, but since I'm getting olde, I'm limiting myself to weekends so I don't look too zombie-like at work). I am hankering after a mono CCD (QHY9 maybe) but the bank balance does not share the aspiration... I notice you've an LX200 30 cm (with corrector/reducer?) I sold my LX200 30cm last year to finance the mount purchase, and I have to say that much as I am very happy with the Tak, I miss the Meade and its aperture + optical quality combination.

Right, off to walk the dog in the light of the silvery and not-yet-eclipsed moon.



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