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sun 22nd pleased and angry


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well sun came out pleased as punch managed to get an image through the early haze but hoping to get a better shot with the predicted opening.....

'20597133619_c170fb5291_b.jpgmono 22/8/15 by craig stanton, on Flickr'

then this happened and no my scope did not just burst  into flames. calm down calm down craig..........nope calm don't work went round there banged on the door,


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sure is charl, not only does it affect the view, I'm dragging the washing in closing doors and windows, I have no issue with people having fires just wish that they be considerate and do it at a time where it don't affect anyone

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WOW!! Just for a second that was one of the most dramatic photo's posted on here for quite a while :eek: thankfully it looks like just next doors conifers burning down :evil:

them conifers are getting a visit from the surgeons, believe it or not no one taking responsibility for them as they now lie in a void between two houses, for my own benefit I'm getting them demolished....half way anyway

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Lovely disc and proms.

Got a real shock when I scrolled down and thought I saw your scope going super Nova. Some people just don't have a clue. My neighbour put his barbecue next to the wooden fence and was surprised when it suddenly burst into flames.

Thanks for posting.

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