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The 22" mapstar mirror


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Well done Damian it's been a long time coming. The mirror looks fantastic and I'm sure the views through it will be just as impressive. Looking forward to the day you get first light and you tell us all about it [emoji106]

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Well done Damian, I have been following your exploits from the start and am in awe of your determination and "stickability", you fully deserve the enjoyment you are sure to have when using the finished scope.

I will be following your scope build as avidly as this thread.

Again well done and enjoy the fruits of your labour.

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Many thanks to all you guys for sticking with me throughout.

Also big thanks to Ron for the kind comments and behind the scenes help.

I'm sure when the scope build thread comes together many more people will be encouraged to take up the challenge of building their own scopes.


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I've said it before Damian, but it takes a brave man to hang it all out on the forum, warts and all, throughout a project like this, so huge respect to you. I'm sure all the lessons and learnings are invaluable to anyone considering a similar project.

Looking forward to seeing the finished scope, should be awesome [emoji106][emoji106]

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I've said it before Damian, but it takes a brave man to hang it all out on the forum, warts and all, throughout a project like this, so huge respect to you. I'm sure all the lessons and learnings are invaluable to anyone considering a similar project.

Looking forward to seeing the finished scope, should be awesome [emoji106][emoji106]

Thanks for the kind words Stu.

It's been some Journey and it will all be worth the wait very soon.

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That mirror looks really nice. Should be good.

Thanks, I should know very soon but our weather has been awful of late with numerous storms and very few nights over the last two months to get out!

I shall add a new link for the scope build when I start it.


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Looking really good Damian Well done mate.

Cant wait to see your build. hope you bring clear skies with it and less blooming wind. hahaha


Cheers Pete

I can't remember a proper clear and calm night in over two months? It's been dreadful and about time we had some good viewing weather.

Looking forward to doing the build thread.

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Hi Damian

Congratulations on your monster mirror - what a saga and such brilliant determination !  

I was browsing Stargazer's Lounge and decided to look at some mirror making treads and accidentally came across this one a couple of days ago !!!

I have returned to astronomy a couple of years ago after a gap of almost 30 years.  The  last thing I did all those year's ago was to make a 8.75" mirror using Texerau's book.  My deadline for the complete scope was to view Halley's comet in 1986 which I just about achieved.  I remember  using a spare bedroom and during melting some pitch the neighbours knocking at the door complaining of smelling the fumes which had entered their house by some means.   We still have a laugh about the look on their faces when I told them what I was doing  - even now !  

Nowadays I have taken the easy route and bought some kit and am into imaging.

Your thread brought back so many memories  - making a mirror is certainly a test of character.  Thank you for taking all the time to document  your experience - it is really appreciated.

I left off making mirrors after getting a 15 inch blank from Galvoptics in Essex - ready for my next project.  Sadly I never got around to grinding it and it is still lying dormant together with a glass tool and grinding grit  - didn't have enough time in those days.  

However I have more time now and retirement beckons and your endeavours were truly inspirational  to such an extent that I may well start the big grind on the 15" even though I get my kicks from imaging and not observing these days !!  I guess a Dob will always come in handy.  

I think the thing that drives mirror maker's forward is the access to large apertures and the thrill of creating a mirror yourself as good if not better than one you can buy - looking through it for the first time and bringing a star into focus is a truly wonderful experience and  there will always be a bigger mirror next time !!!!

I hope the same goes for you and thanks again for re-kindling the excitement that I felt all those years ago !!!

I look forward to your build thread and the culmination of all your good work

Best wishes


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Hi Ian,

Many thanks for reading through it and taking the time for posting your experiences of your mirror making efforts. It was a nice read and is a sub hobby in itself.

I really do hope that you turn the 15" blank into a mirror that will do you justice in a nice scope. I do know an obsession owner with a 15" primary and it's a very nice scope.

My own scope journey is nearing completion and I'm glad to post my experiences so others can see what can be achieved with a little motivation and time.

It won't be the last though as I am definitely building another.

Great stuff and if you do attempt it Ian please document it here so we can all share in the progress.


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Only just found time to sit quiet and read through your final post in what has been an incredible journey of skill, perseverance and determination.

I feel as though I have lived through your ups and downs, and I'm sure orhers, like myself, have cheered and fist punched the air to see your mirror completed.

The build is going to be beautiful and we will be able to fully see your craftsmanship and attention to detail.

Can't wait to see it completed.

I truly hope you will soon be enjoying the stunning views your Mapstar Monster scope will allow, and I would feel privileged to witness them first hand on a viewing evening with you.

Well done Damian - you will be an inspiration to many :)

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Only just found time to sit quiet and read through your final post in what has been an incredible journey of skill, perseverance and determination.

I feel as though I have lived through your ups and downs, and I'm sure orhers, like myself, have cheered and fist punched the air to see your mirror completed.

The build is going to be beautiful and we will be able to fully see your craftsmanship and attention to detail.

Can't wait to see it completed.

I truly hope you will soon be enjoying the stunning views your Mapstar Monster scope will allow, and I would feel privileged to witness them first hand on a viewing evening with you.

Well done Damian - you will be an inspiration to many :)

Thanks Vicky

I'm sure it will be a fitting companion to its bigger brother on more than one occasion. I just wish this weather would calm down!

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A true story of tenacity winning out in the end and that is a fabulous result. I cant wait to see the finished scope.

I was just wondering what strehl ratio you managed in the end, and what was the beginning and end weight as you must have removed a load of glass over the months to get to f3.4.

That also sounds like a "Feet on the ground" focal length for a 22inch mirror if you get the base design sorted so no need for a step ladder.

Great stuff....

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A true story of tenacity winning out in the end and that is a fabulous result. I cant wait to see the finished scope.

I was just wondering what strehl ratio you managed in the end, and what was the beginning and end weight as you must have removed a load of glass over the months to get to f3.4.

That also sounds like a "Feet on the ground" focal length for a 22inch mirror if you get the base design sorted so no need for a step ladder.

Great stuff....


I couldn't quote the strehl ratio as it hasn't been measured, the views should tell the tale and with John having his hand in the final stages I'm certain they'll be excellent.

At present the limiting factor seems to be a night without gale force wind and lashing rain!

The glass started at 22.5kg and ended up at 17.5kg

Allowing for a bit of future proofing and due to the design it will probably mean a couple of steps at zenith as I will probably motorise it.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Damian,

What is happening with your scope? Not heard a squeak out of you about it for a while. Mike is getting worried, rope lines, tickets, booths to set up, the list goes on..........   Tick tock...



Hiya Derek,

I should cancel the red carpet as it's still not sorted!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 6 years later...

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