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Monster prom alert, left side of the sun, Sunday 1st Feb


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Look forward to seeing the images, Robin!

Clouded out here, alas, no point warming up the Quark or even getting it to do some light stretching. Been looking at Gong and wishing the clouds would take a hike! It looks fab going by Gong. Good luck, everyone!

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Was just about to post but you beat me to it, Robin. And I would say three proms on North and North-East limb worth seeing. One HUGE prom with two large ones on either side.

Managed to grab a view between snow showers but too cold to linger and another snow-laden cloud heading over ...

Well worth a look if you're lucky enough to to get a chance.

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we'de been out for sunday lunch , when we came home l read this report but l looked out and it was cloudy but at 2.45 there was a good gap in the cloud so l set up my scope and although l only managed about twenty minutes in between clouds it was worth it . That's one of the things l like my little lunt 50mm it only takes minutes to set up or put away. lt will be interesting to see any pictures anyone got earlier to see if the prommenences had died down a little by the time by the time l got to view them.

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I was watching these earlier and the huge mobile one at the top of the Fisk was astounding, changing almost in real time.

There was also a large hedgerow prom on the right of the sun (left side in refractor view).

great surface detail too especially around the main ARs.

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Well, that took a long while to process images from this morning.  Okay, I was jet washing the patio, took the dog for a walk, replaced the wifi Aps for some new kit and swapped in a 2x barlow on my night time rig, so only just got round to processing these.

This is a full disc in one go taken at just after 11:00 am, the proms were really nice at this time.


12 pane mosaic to follow, just as fast as my PC will process it.


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Good stuff Robin. But how do you get that 'normal' view? Do you flip the image or do you use a 'right image' diagonal?

My East is on the right of the disc, as per Mark's diagram above of a refractor view.

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Good stuff Robin. But how do you get that 'normal' view? Do you flip the image or do you use a 'right image' diagonal?

My East is on the right of the disc, as per Mark's diagram above of a refractor view.


My diagonal is north/south, so I flip the image vertically and then rotate to match the image on Gong to adjust for my Alt/AZ mount.  If you are flipped east/west (diagonal horizontally) then it would be a horizontal flip and possibly rotate.  At 11:00am at my house, no rotation was required and only mild rotation at 12:00 when the 12 pane mosaic was taken to correct for field rotation.


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