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first light report with 21mm ethos and 5mm pentax xw. 11/1/15


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hi guys managed to get out for around 2 hours last night (how lucky is that) inbetween snow showers and high winds/gusts. temperature around +4 skys 50/50 cloud and sky quality around 8 out of 10.

aligned scope then onto first object before the moon killed the sky.                                                                                                                                                                     

eye piece 21mm e.

m81 and m82 also in the same fov just below the 2 was ngc 3077 wow and realy clear the back ground sky was black giving great contrast and realy easy to look through. my old 31 nagler used to give to the edge like a pin cushion effect field curvature i think its called, only noticable when panning around. nothing with this perfect of axis.lot better corrected for sure

m37 ******* amazing stars so sharp right to the edge and realy bright

m38 and ngc1907 same fov amazing and again so easy to look through

m50 and m46 not together but m50 a new one to me than less it looks so much different through the e

m47 not very exciting but bagged

m44 again lovely open cluster lovely and bright and you could see the different colours in the stars

m67 another lovely cluster

and to finish m42 wow, dont think i have ever seen so much green still a light shade but very obvious

summary realy well impressed cant believe its so much sharper than the 31 and lovely to look through :grin:

next pentax 5mm xw

m37 looked like a swarm of bees realy bright and i was amazed at this power that the image was so bright, well happy

m42 the trapezium easy to see the main component stars and the e star was visible nothing else realy due to high winds and dob was rocking.

finished on jupiter, 4 main bands easily vsible but i couldnt believe how crisp the image was quality of view wise it was like looking through a 10mm delos but the image being so bright and clear truly amazing.

summary again incredible view equal if not better thannthe bgos with massive fov and lots of eye relief

massive difference in price between the 2 eps but equally as happy with both.

cant wait now to get to some moonless skys which are black with the dobfest crew. thanks for reading


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Excellent Mike, they're keepers then!!! :)

oh my god yes, the first time a looked through the 31 nagler i was amazed and felt a bit giddy on my feet. fov massive this 21 has realy took it to another level :grin:

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Good write up Mike and I agree 100% with you on both eyepieces :smiley:

hi john, do you see field curvature with the 31mm when panning around. i think thats the correct terminology. love it john shame i only had a couple of hours and snow inbetween

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Nice one mikey boy...just think that you've got the complete collection there now and for any future scopes... The longer you spend with that 21 the more you know it's just perfect well done mate must catch up soon..here's to Dobfest 4!!

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hi john, do you see field curvature with the 31mm when panning around. i think thats the correct terminology. love it john shame i only had a couple of hours and snow inbetween

Congrats Mike!! The Ethos are arguably the best widefields out there and the 21mm is a gem. The 31mm Nagler may exhibit the "globe effect" when panning. Nice report BTW! :smiley:

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hi john, do you see field curvature with the 31mm when panning around. i think thats the correct terminology. love it john shame i only had a couple of hours and snow inbetween

I don't see field curvature Mike but I do see some rectilinear distortion in Naglers. I understand that you simply can't have an ultra / hyper wide eyepiece without some sort of distortion and TV decided that RD was the least bothersome. I believe it's present in the Ethos too but the design has surpressed it a little more than in the Nagler design.

It's never bothered me when using Naglers or other ultra wides and I still love the views through the "Terminagler" in spite of having the E21 :smiley:

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I don't see field curvature Mike but I do see some rectilinear distortion in Naglers. I understand that you simply can't have an ultra / hyper wide eyepiece without some sort of distortion and TV decided that RD was the least bothersome. I believe it's present in the Ethos too but the design has surpressed it a little more than in the Nagler design.

It's never bothered me when using Naglers or other ultra wides and I still love the views through the "Terminagler" in spite of having the E21 :smiley:

distortion is the word i was looking for, certainly less in the ethos never noticed it at all last night. cheers for correcting me john. i no the correct term for next time :smiley:

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Great report and nice you got a break on the clouds to put these to the test. The Ethos sounds like a magic blend and I'd be terrified to try one at this point! I want the 31T5 Honeymoon to last a long long time ;)

I can see distortion when panning the Nagler but don't find it bothersome. The sharpness to the edge makes it a sweet deal.

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