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First Pleiades


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Lovely image. Your focusing is spot on. My advice with processing is don't cut off too much black, leave it a bit softer, and avoid over-sharpening. Also, use the histogram to line up the red, green and blue channels to get the colour more balanced. Onward and upward!


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Really like this image. I'm a fan of diffraction spikes in images, but (and its a very very small but).........i think its a bit top heavy with spikes in this image. If you can progress it to where many of the smaller stars dont have the spikes but leave them on the bigger main star it will be fantastic. 

The nebulosity in the image is top notch.

p.s.~~i am not an imager, just an observer who knows what he likes and i do like what i see.

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Thanks for your encouraging comments and advice. 

I agree with the comments on the processing and find this area very interesting.   After I had reached the stage of a colour calibrated and stretched image, I found there was a significant amount of chrominance noise left.  I think that may have been due to the conditions on the night as well camera sensor noise.in the end I took abou 27 x 10mins subs and i started when the Pleiades had just risen above my house !  The first 6 or so subs were affected by orange light pollution because the image was relatively low in the sky and was slightly misty.  The pollution gradually dissappeared as it approached the meridian.  To get rid of the resulting noise there was a great temptation to move the black point further in !   Also I found that by lowering the red and green curves on the histogram I could achieve  a more uniform coloured background.  

I must confess I dont know when to stop the sharpening and colour saturation !  The tendency is for me to overdo these at the moment to achieve a prettier picture, I guess this is at the expense of having a result which  is more natural.  I suppose there is a judgement call between getting an end product which is more representative of reality or using some artistic license to produced a more enhanced sharper and coloured version wthin certain limits.  I think experience gives you a better view of where the trade off point should be.  I suppose it is all part of the learning curve and over time a better balance is achieved.    I would really love to take my set up to a dark site and then hopefully  the initial processing would give a better representation of the reality and consequentially  the natural beauty  of the object without the need to overprocess a noisy image to tart it up !  It all appears to be a bit of a black art at the moment !

Best Wishes - Ian 

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Thanks Silios and Vox45

Interesting comment about dithering I've read a few articles and might give it a try.  Trouble is haven't a clue how to implement it !   Think i'll also experiment without dark frames and only use bias .  I suppose the inclusion of flats might be important  - I guess it depends on how much time and effort you are willing to put in out in the field before you sit in front of your laptop in the warmth !

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Lovely image. Your focusing is spot on. My advice with processing is don't cut off too much black, leave it a bit softer, and avoid over-sharpening. Also, use the histogram to line up the red, green and blue channels to get the colour more balanced. Onward and upward!


Perfect advice.



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