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French canadian guy in Paris


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Hi all,

After many years of reading about astronomy it is time for me to go from theory to practice !

I will be getting my 1st scope on my 44th birthday next october, so I tought that it was also time to join a forum and learn for the best and share my 'first 'light' experience when the time comes.

It's a a second-hand scope from someone I befriended at an astronomy gathering in the south of France a couple of month ago: A Celestron C6 SCT on a Sirius EQ-G mount with a focusing motor and a glass solar filter... for 600€ wich is a deal IMHO !

I look forward to share my experience and learn from you guys as I will be running face first in the wall of reality pretty soon...



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Thanks !

I am reading the scope's user manual I got from their website ... It's the only thing I can do right now ...frustration level is running high:)

Fortunatly I was able to buy a second-hand Canon 1000D so I started doing astrophotography with BackyardEOS and fiddled around on Deep Sky Stacker and Lightroom ... let just say that the results are not what I expected (pretty bad !)

Hopefully I'll get better (with lots of patience and time)

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Hi and welcome to SGL!! Astro photography is something else again, far from easy. There's a few of us imagers knocking about so if you have any questions just ask. My inital thoughts are that with that scope and it being an f10, imaging is going to be very tricky indeed.

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Hi Swag72!

I plan to use a 6.3 focal reducer (f6.3 then) and get the Canon 1000D moded + astronomik filters. But hey, I am sure that this will give me a lot of headaches and I will sure need your help guys !

That being said: I will first try to do good 'visual' seeing before astrophography ;) nice and slooowww

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no it is a full aperture filter. Also, my finder is a 'red dot finder' so that's not an issue for now...

Better be safe than losing an eye ... It's a mistake that you only do twice ...

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Yes Glowjet ;) I hope I will avoid the curse ... usually october is a good month here, a little bit cold, not humid and not too much clouds..

@laudropb: LP will certainly be an issue so I was thinking of getting an astronomik CLS filter (the clip-in kind) hopefully this will help. That being said, I will probably start with planets and move to DSO when I travel outside Paris. I have a country house in Normandy so that should do it ;)

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