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Greetings from across the pond. Like everyone here, I lurked for a while, liked what I saw, and affirmed that by joining.

I'm an oldster of sorts, but only have been interested in amateur astronomy for about two years. Currently, I only own two smallish refractors, having sold a 130mm reflector on an EQ which wasn't for me. Now looking at bigger and better refractors for moon and planets. I read in the terms of service that the site is English language posting, and I'll try to adhere to that with my Americanese which doesn't always qualify as English .Good to be here.


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Hi Ed,

Welcome to SGL. Hope you enjoy your stay. What are the refractors you have and what are you hoping to purchase for the moon and planets? I am primarily a reflector guy myself, although I do have a TAL 100RS that I did a PST Stage 2 mod on.


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Hi Ed and welcome to SGL - Glad that you joined us and hope you enjoy your time here - Interesting isn't it that American English and British English could be two different languages :grin: [removed word] pack v's bum bag for instance - Your word can't even be posted on the forum :grin: :grin:

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Hi Ed,

Welcome to SGL. Hope you enjoy your stay. What are the refractors you have and what are you hoping to purchase for the moon and planets? I am primarily a reflector guy myself, although I do have a TAL 100RS that I did a PST Stage 2 mod on.


Hi Ian. In answer to your question, one refractor is a Meade NG60-SM 60mm which was on sale and I couldn't pass up. The other is a Gallileo 50mm, my first at a yard sale for $5.00 US. That's what started the whole thing. What am I looking for? Cost is not the biggest issue, but weight is and ample aperture without going crazy. I'm not ready for a reflector. With limited experience it's hard to know if your so, so view is due to seeing conditions, collimation or cooling. With a refractor it can only be seeing.

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Hello Ed. Welcome to Stargazer's lounge. I'm pretty new myself. I only signed up last week. 

Oooh, newbies everywhere, me three! I signed up only a couple of days ago. Welcome, Radiosnail :) (does it still count as a welcome if you came here first? The sentiment is there...)

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Welcome to SGL,Ed!

Phillies or Pirates?


Neither Phillies nor  Pirates. To be a sports fan and watch requires too much TV sitting and thats not for me. And to all, thanks for the welcomes. This is indeed a friendly place as advertised.

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Neither Phillies nor  Pirates. To be a sports fan and watch requires too much TV sitting and thats not for me. And to all, thanks for the welcomes. This is indeed a friendly place as advertised.

At least you're not a Pirates fan! :grin:

We don't have a TV (you have to pay for the privilege of owning one here) so I don't get to watch it even on satellite or cable. :mad:


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