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NGC7635 - The Bubble nebula - in mono


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This has been something of an experiment to see just how much data I need in order to not have to process the hell out of an image at f10 with the C9.25. Thankfully a few clear nights enabled me to collect 27.5 hours worth of images - This has turned out to be an acceptable amount of data, which makes it a little tedious if I'm honest!

Welcome your thoughts on this - Good, bad and indifferent.


M: Avalon Linear Fast Reverse

T: Celestron C9.25

C: QSI690-wsg with 3nm Ha filter

55x1800s with bias and flats.


You can see a larger version here http://swagastro.weebly.com/uploads/2/3/3/7/23377322/ngc7635_c925.jpg

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It's a lovely image Sara, certainly up there with the best. There's more structure and nebulosity here compared to what we usually see with the Bubble, and the larger version shows this really well. Just wondering if these long focal length images respond well or not to sharpening? I suspect that the processing steps involved may be quite different though from those normally done with widefields.

Having established such a good HA layer, will you now proceed to acquire OIII for a bicolour? 


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Thanks Martin and Chris. 

@Martin - Processing these long focal images has been difficult to say the least. But in part I think that the issue has been lack of data throughout. This has been the easiest of all so far. There won't be any OIII for a while, the Tak is back on the mount!!

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Beautiful and definitely your finest image with the C9.25. The detail is wonderful. Yes, it is probably a little soft, but that is just the scope I guess. What a marathon data gathering effort. Is it worth all that effort...? Quite possibly! What's the alternative? I know that is a question that you are pondering and I look forward to seeing which route you take now with long FL imaging. I'm hoping to get my EdgeHD 8" on the mount soon and see what that can do.

I am also very much looking forward to the Wager Tak going back into active service... Inspired by your images always and most definitely from that scope!

Clear skies.

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Thanks all - I appreciate you looking and commenting. This was ONLY 27.5 hours John - Noise is obligatory!!!

@Fay - an interesting quandary, the C9.25, for sure!!

@Gav - The Tak has already been pressed into service!! First sighting on my website!!

@Earl - No I'm running CS5 - No camera shake filter for me!!!

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Another fantastic image Sara but it actually looks a tiny bit soft to my eyes.  Have you tried any high pass sharpening on this?  I found my attempt at a similar focal length responded quite well up to about 8 pixels (which is pretty strong).

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