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I'm new to his forum but I've been lurking for sometime, actually I've been shopping around for a forum with level headed folks with good info and I think this is the one. I live in the great Pacific Northwest and I've been a novice for years, but recently I've been pouring a little more into my hobby. I have 10" dob and two Celestron star finders (a 5" and a 6") but I primarily use the dob. I realize now for the first time that I'm an eyepiece addict...my wife is pulling her hair out when she see's my amazon account but...!

Anyway, I have a question to anyone that has a dob: I recently purchased an ES 30mm 82 and I'm getting a shadow right in the center of it. I love ES ep's and I've never had this problems with others I have. I'm wondering if this is my scope or could this be defective. I've played around with a tube extender and no matter what I do I get this shadow. I have a 20mm UWA Meade 5000 that's just fine, the 30 mm that came with the scope doesn't do this either. Have I reached the limit of this scope maybe? It actually appears as though I'm seeing the collimation circle in my primary mirror, if that's the case should I send this back and look at a 24mm or is there a fix...sorry for writing a book. Gary

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Hi Gary and welcome to SGL - Sadly can't help you on the visual front, I can count on one hand the number of times I've looked through my scopes!!! Good to have you on board though, hope you enjoy it :grin:

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Hi, welcome to SGL :)

What you are seeing is the secondary. You get this with low powered eyepieces in a short focal length Newt. I used to have a 10" f4.7 and could never use my 42mm eyepiece because of this. I settled for 22mm as my lowest power.

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Hi Epaddict and welcome to SGL, shame about the 30mm 82 ES ep, their range of optics are very nice indeed. Just my idea, but If you have access to a 2" x2 Barlow check to see if the shadow disappears with this in the system. Enjoy your Astronomy :)

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