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The obs got a new....


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...keyboard! LOL. I hate tacky keyboards so I bought this nice Logitech illuminated board. This adds to the new Dell Ultrasharp 24" monitor so I can image process without the final image being too dark - as it always was with the old one. I kept the old monitor though and use it for displaying Starry Night and scope position.




edit: seems the only thing you can't edit is the title :(

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Nice obsy.

I spy with my little eye; Baccy tin, orange Clipper (my fave colour), mug of strong coffee, car keys, torch, cat-flap . . . . . CAT-FLAP?

You let your moggie in amongst all that tech?  Brave man.

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No cat - just a way of running cables outside while having the door shut in Winter. I like to be tucked up nice and warm while imaging :-)


So you say, is it more like so someone can pass you a cuppa without opening the door?
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Now that lot is just silly :D

Silly? How do expect me to watch movies while imaging without a spare screen? Essential equipment mate! :grin:

It's thirsty work this imaging lark and I have to keep getting up to get a brew. I'm wondering if there's room to install a bar at t'other end of the shed... but then I'd have to install a Barmaid. Tsk. More expense.

Oh - and you know when I asked the missus to nip round with the hoover to do the carpet in there you know what she said?...


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 I'm wondering if there's room to install a bar at t'other end of the shed... but then I'd have to install a Barmaid. Tsk. More expense.


Not to mention having to choose new optics.  :drunken_smilie:

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Loving the screens Chris!

Nice layout, me i don't image so only 1 PC in the Obby, got 3 in  my bit of space indoors though, i have a Logitech G15 key board with blue lite keys, it very dim, but there are now these keyboards and i may just get one for ease of use in the dark.....


£110 for a keyboard???!?!?!? :eek: :eek: :eek:

I spent a princely £15 on one of these:


It's dimmable and it works great.

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Silly? How do expect me to watch movies while imaging without a spare screen? Essential equipment mate! :grin:

It's thirsty work this imaging lark and I have to keep getting up to get a brew. I'm wondering if there's room to install a bar at t'other end of the shed... but then I'd have to install a Barmaid. Tsk. More expense.

Oh - and you know when I asked the missus to nip round with the hoover to do the carpet in there you know what she said?...


Same as mine proberbly.

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Is this an observatory built by you? Its amazing i did not know this was possible what kind of budget are you looking at for making one of these?

'Observatory' is something of a pompous name for a shed. On the other hand, it IS where I 'observe' (and image) from - so observatory it is. I paid £400 for this shed some 25yrs ago, the rest is just DIY. If I totalled up the total cost of all I spent over the years on this astronomy hobby I would probably break down and cry and generally get depressed, especially given the ongoing poor weather. So I won't. :)


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I've seen this set up and it's very impressive.

That said.

I have also converted my 20+ year old shed into an astro shed. I call it the Whirlpool observatory. Both mine and Chris have one big advantage now. It takes 10 minutes to set up and break down. So I have no excuse when it is clear after work, during Autumn and Winter and I don't feel like setting up.

I also have a pier now and G11,  and a cat flap but not a fancy keyboard  :grin:

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