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Arduino Ascom focuser Mark2


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I've also been working to get the Arduino Ascom focuser to work. I am using a Arduino micro instead of a nano and it seems that with the micro the Serialevent function is not working. This means Ascom can't get a connection to the arduino.

After some searching I found out that putting the function:

void serialEventRun(void) {
  if (Serial.available()) serialEvent();

just before  void setup() enables the serial communication.

Maybe it can be added to the project for anybody using a Arduino micro.

When I'm done with connection the stepper to my focuser I'll post some pictures.

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Hi Mark,  there is a wiring drawing on the sourceforge project page, files,drawings - AAF2crop.jpg and AAF2_V2.2_crop.png with the temperature probe, Here.

A good picture on post #193 on page 10 (connected to wrong pins but a good picture that may help)

Guess you can solder directly or use this sort of jumper wire to connect.

Have fun, hope this helps.

Edited by Mick J
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hi guys i have connected everything up down loaded the easy driver sketch but it won't upload to the nano error message is 

avrdude: atk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10 : not in sync: resp=0x01

i know absolutely nothing about arduinos 


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hi guys i have connected everything up down loaded the easy driver sketch but it won't upload to the nano error message is 

avrdude: atk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10 : not in sync: resp=0x01

i know absolutely nothing about arduinos 


For some reason, your Arduino is not communicating with your PC. There are numerous causes. First of all, check if you computer recognizes the Arduino when you plug it in. Under the presumption that your are using Windows, got to the Device Manager and see which port Arduino is connected to (under COM ports). Then, make sure that you select the appropriate port in Arduino IDE.

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For some reason, your Arduino is not communicating with your PC. There are numerous causes. First of all, check if you computer recognizes the Arduino when you plug it in. Under the presumption that your are using Windows, got to the Device Manager and see which port Arduino is connected to (under COM ports). Then, make sure that you select the appropriate port in Arduino IDE.

hi its recognised in device manager and the com ports match just keeps coming up with that error message

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I had that error once and it turned out to be caused by a hair thin whisker of solder between two joints.  Removed that and it worked fine.  Not saying that that's what your troublr is but worth checking.

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What version of the ascom platform do you have installed? 

its v6.1 i will try it on my destop next my laptop has almost had it just a thought do i have to change the sketch I'm using pins d7 8 9 10 using  easy driver v 3


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its v6.1 i will try it on my destop next my laptop has almost had it just a thought do i have to change the sketch I'm using pins d7 8 9 10 using  easy driver v 3


Just to clarify, which sketch are you using? 

You should be using the AAF2 one, not the easy driver one. 

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