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Signed  up several years ago, never posted.

I'm a very long time observer, primarily lunar/planetary/clusters. So far strictly visual but may dabble with a DSLR if I can find the time. My main planetary scope is a 10" Mak-Cass but if the seeing won't support 10" I have several smaller refractors that give me a pleasing view. And given my location in the mid-Atlantic US the Gulf stream is often parked overhead, messing up the seeing.

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Thanks for the welcome, all.

Yes, the weather here has been horrible for observing this year.  Last year wasn't much better.

Not a baseball fan, stopped watching it after the second players' strike. Multimillionaires who only have to work half the year complaining about how tough things are for them turned me off to the sport. Big time fan of American college football (Michigan Wolverines), college basketball, and soccer. Met Beckham once. :-)

My other hobby is photography, particularly macro photography. Here's a cooperative dragonfly's face:


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