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Hello from Southern California!!


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Hi everyone!!! I've been a long time amateur astronomy buff (since I was 3). I recently decided that my old refractor was not enough for what I was wanting and decided it was time to step up my game. As I am (very) amateur, I'm here for advice before and after the purchase. Thanks all!!!

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Hi and welcome to SGL - If you give us a little more information about your scope requirements, then I am sure that people will gladly spend your ££'s!!!

Visual / imaging / goto / non goto/ portability /  storage space - That kind of stuff.

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Hi and welcome to the lounge,

it's not easy choosing a new scope, think about what you intend to

do, observing, A P, planetary, D S O's, as there are many scopes

which are better on some but not all, take your time and ask plenty

of questions, and there will be plenty of answers, it can be a hard 

decision, so good luck. And don't forget the mount is just as important.

Clear Sky's 

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