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Last Jupiter 1st April 2014


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Well I think this is going to be my last Jupiter for a while.

I just managed to get three runs done before one of my Silver Burch trees got in the way (chainsaw coming out soon I think).

Clouds were rolling in all the time, but I was surprised I was even outside due to weather reports.

Taken with my trusty SPC900 with X3barlow on my 8” Orion Europa.

Hardly any post processing done – due to fact I’ve not loaded everything fully back on my P.C.



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I think it's very nice actually.

Please don't cut the tree, it makes me jitter. :)  I've got a similar one at the bottom of my garden, but I just simply move around it.

I think I'll have a hernia if I try moving my observatory around the garden. :laugh: 

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