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Kit aspirations

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Hmmm, and interesting question, and I've been sat here in the obs thinking about it, while awaiting the long process of 15 mins subs to be captured.

I think that other than a fast Planetary camera, such as a DMK or SkyNix, I'm pretty much happy with all the other kit that I have now.

Maybe perhaps a wider field scope than the ED80, which with a 6.3 FR and the H9C, only gives me something like a 62 x 46 arc min FOV max.

Oh yes, a Paramount would be nice, but then that would make life too easy. :D


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Hmmm..not sure thinking about this is a good idea :D I'm happy with the Nexstar 8GPS. When the obs is finished in a few weeks time then I'll be able to mount it on the oh-so-solid wedge, and when I get the balance sorted out will be able to piggy-back my ZS66 and possibly my Megrez 90 (not at the same time I hasten to add :shock:). That along with Fastar and a few focal reducers and barlows should give me loads of imaging options. So I'm OK for scopes!

That leaves peripherals! Software for remotely operating the scope is next on the list. After that its all about cameras. I love colour :D So my options are mod the 300d, buy a OSC camera or buy a filter wheel and filters. In the long run a high quality OSC has to be top of the list. In the medium term I'm toying with one of the new small ATiK colour cameras - or that mod. I think I need to experiment more with the 300d to see what's practical and whether I enjoy working with a DSLR and see where I go from there.

Of course, once I get my obs kitted out it might all change :lol:


PS an afterthought... maybe a Dob for using when the main scope is imaging... :D

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Genius post Martin.. a great way to compfort the cloud blues... :D

I'd like to add guiding to my setup maybe with an ED80 & DSI. Of course an obsy would be awesome to save on the regular drift alignment. As for my main scope, I wouldn't change it, in an ideal world I would remove 6 of the street lights near my area and using my god powers, command the sky to have excellent transparency. Then my 10" Newt to it's full potential satisfying my needs :D


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As someone with relatively little astro kit at the minute, my wish list is quite meager.

I'll be buying a 5-6" Mak in the not too distant future. It'd be nice to get it with GoTo, but it's got to be reasonably quick and easy to set-up (I know it'll take a while to get ambient).

I'd like to pair this with a Baader 8-24mm Zoom, nice high mag orthoscopic, couple of filters.

Not really interested in an Observatory or too bulky a scope as the local society is busy putting together one (and there are always big scopes available for peering through on the observers evenings).

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I was tempted to get all pious and say I don't really need to keep getting more gear, then I noticed the new reducer/flattener beside me which came today! :D

As has been mentioned, the thing that we really, really, need is decent weather. This winter has given me pause for thought, imaging Mars has been pretty fruitless and I need to get more familiar with the gear I've got...

Probably the main change will be getting a different camera, either a move to a one-shot colour CCD or, more likely, just a modded DSLR which still seems to be the most efficient way for me to image given other limitations.

I've got a tree problem as well, but it may be solved by a bit of topping without invoking too much marital strife.... :D



P.S. wouldn't it be great to revive this next year -just too see what we actually got!

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Hello Martin....the tree...what sort is it?

If it's a sycamore birds don't nest in them and their sap makes the ground useless for other plants.

Copper nails mate....can't see 'em and the tree will be distinctly unhealthy after a couple of years!

Typical of human nature, now that I have an obs, I want another....duplicate system, one rig doing RGB, the other doing luminance/narrowband or 1 rig doing widefield....wait, I can feel 3 or 4 systems coming on :D

Oh, and a totally flat field 14" scope.....never happy!!



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Tricky question...

Probably a TeleVue NP127 and a complete line of Pentax XW eyepieces up to 14mm and Vixen LVWs from 14mm to 22mm (Oops, I have some of those already), an Ethos 13mm and a 31mm Nagler T5.

A David Lukehurst 16" f5 Deluxe Truss Dob with all the extra options would be a nice addition.

Oh, and Jeri Ryan to help me change eyepieces and make notes.

Well, seeing as we're dreaming... :D


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What with my dismal attempt at DSO imaging recently. It has clarified things a little for me.

1. I am going to have a mount mounted permanently in the garden on a peir.

2. A 6" F8 Reflector, for a little lunar / planet imaging.

3. A nice Barlow 1.25"

This will also give me a nicer Field of View with the 300D and more light gathering...

4. I really need to find a camera more suitable for the ED80 - i'd like a dedicated CCD, but I can never see gunds allowing for that.

5. I'd also like skyscan for the HEQ5 - this is more likely than the CCD but still a pipe dream at the moment!

So I think that idea's 1 - 3 are certain for the next year, 4 -5 less so...


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This years realistic plans are to upgrade my imaging kit to a decent CCD, get guiding sorted - maybe a small piggyback scope, get some focal reducers.

Aspirations.. well to be able to produce anything like the quality of DSO images I see here on SGL and i'll be made up.. but then after each major milestone is reached a bigger more expensive dream comes along :D

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I now have the mount and the 'scopes I want. I'd like to upgrade my EP's in the future to, unkown just yet, I have an Antares Super Plossil set just now and I'd also like a Meade DSI camera. Once I have them I have told SWMBO that the spending will end.................... :D :D


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I've just bought a scope (C5 spotting scope) and there's quite a few accessories I fancy picking up for it:

nicer dew shield (using rolled up card at the minute - works fine but is fiddly to eek on in the dark)

Hyperion Zoom

Neodymium filter

UHC-s filter

Moon filter

focal reducer


SCT 2" diagonal

Orion shorty plus barlow

5mm (ish) orthoscopic

manual alt/az mount or 3-2eq

Then, depending on how that goes/how much room we've got if we get to move house like we're planning to I might think about getting a wide field scope, ED refractor or wide aperture dob - a new scope would be some way off really as I want to get the most out of my current setup.

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- Roll Off Roof Obs


- Mini-WASP of C8 Hyperstars :lol:

I see you have been reading Greg Parkers new plan.

My wish list:

I would love an Obsy with a warm room and with two piers

Pier One

With a wide field set up consisting of 2 different length APO refractors with a good flat field that are capable of illuminating large full format CCD. Mount EQ6

Pier Two

With a large SCT 14" or maybe a 10" Astrograph more and guide scope mounted on a Paramount ME.

Not too much to ask for :lol::D

This would also mean having to move house to a dark skies site find a job near to the middle of nowhere and take on another mortage (still paying for the ex wife's and kids house)

Oh well we can all dream.



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