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Bonkers from Bucks!


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Hi all,

My name's Alex(andra) or anything as long as it's not rude! I've had a passion for astronomy for a long time but never really studied hard until a few years ago when I also got my Celestron C6-N, 6" Newtonian. Having a spot of bovver due to inexperience and dyspraxia (and a few probs with scope) but the passion is keeping me going! I'm also doing an Open University short course called Introducing Astronomy which is filling in lots of gaps including forcing me to do maths which I hate!

I'm also mad about snakes, reptiles in general and invertebrates. I have a corn snake called Whizzbee, two giant Madagascan hissing cockroaches called Rock and Roll, two discoid roaches called Buffy and Cordelia, two Tanzanian red-legged millipedes called Inky and Pinky, a Taiwanese stick insect called Flo, a Macleay's stick insect called Lilly plus a hamster called Millie and a few fish!

I have written a children's astronomy book called Maia and the Shooting Star which wonderful Sir Patrick Moore has written a foreword for but still waiting to hear from the Agents his Agent passed my book on to! Wish me luck. If you know of any publisher who may be interested in such a book, please let me know!


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Hi Alex

Welcome to the Lounge.

A number of people here seem to have been doing Open University courses, seems a good thing to do.

Now I am going to Google "discoid roaches" - they sound er, wild.


I hope to do physics next, but as I can hardly add up, I think I'm a sucker for punishment! :scratch:

They might be brown wings but no-one can seem to help me identify them!! Why don't you try?! :D

Erk, I can't load a photo. It says I haven't got an account - oops!

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OK, let's try . . .

This is Lilly my baby Macleays. She'll get to 8 inches long! (Wot a palava this image posting!!)


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My Thai - who's now old and her eyes have gone black - sobs! But she's had babies - real cuties!


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My millis


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My hissers - and boy they hiss!


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One of my discoids/brown wings


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And last but not least, my corn snake. One is when he was small enough to get on my glasses! He's now a year and a half.


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Hope you like!

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A warm SGL welcome to and all your friends Alex.

In a nice way, you are one unusual lady, with all those creatures as pets. You must lead a very exciting life looking after them all.

Our population of lady astronomers is growing very quickly, and the more the merrier.


Ron. :D

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Hi Alex!! :wave:

I see another herp lover :thumbup:, i'm crazy about snakes in particular, used to keep a bunch back in SA, even venomous, b4 i came to UK, and i keep a few here > http://stargazerslounge.com/index.php/topic,16249.0.html

I have more pics on my website > www.reptiles.co.za

Tarantulas and scorpions are cool too.

I do love all animals tho, big and small, and hate cruelty to them in any way. Don't get me started!! :D

nice to have another "exotic" pet keeper amongst us :D

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A warm SGL welcome to and all your friends Alex.

In a nice way, you are one unusual lady, with all those creatures as pets. You must lead a very exciting life looking after them all.

Our population of lady astronomers is growing very quickly, and the more the merrier.


Ron. :D

Thanks Ron! I love being surrounded by my pets. I sometimes take them to work to terrify people! :D :D And I would replace 'unusual' with 'weird'! :lol:

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