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Hello from Wokingham


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Good evening all,

Been following the forums now for a month or two, finally took the plunge and bought a skywatcher skyliner 200p about an hour ago, gets delivered on thursday.  Will keep you posted on how it goes!

Hoping to join Reading astronomical society in the next few days.



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Hello & welcome Paul :laugh:

Very nice scope indeed, you will now  wear the carpet out by pacing up and down waiting for it to be delivered :grin:

Enjoy your scope.


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Havnt told the Mrs yet....will be a nice surprise for her when she gets back from work thursday evening ...wont it? :eek:

Is it worth trying  "Oh? that old thing...it's been in the loft/shed/garage* for ages...I'm surprised how clean and new it still looks!"  ? ;)

*delete as applicable

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Is it worth trying "Oh? that old thing...it's been in the loft/shed/garage* for ages...I'm surprised how clean and new it still looks!" ? ;)

*delete as applicable

Well it's either that or..."It's not mine, I'm holding on to it for a friend...honest"

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I missed the friday club meeting because the mrs decided she wanted to go away for a long weekend, hoping to attend on the 15th if im not working that night.

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Hi Paul, not a million miles away from you, have the same scope. If you are in badly light polluted sky's don't judge your scope until you see the moon or Jupiter amongst other LP resistant targets. If you are in dark skies, I'm far too jealous to speak further :)

welcome to SGL!

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Hi Paul and welcome to the forum. Congratulations on ordering a great scope and it will certainly keep you busy for some time to come.

Wishing you clear skies for its delivery and hope you enjoy your stay here.


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Welcome Paul. Wokingham is my 'home' town, my parents still live there and I'm down very often. Nice place.

As said, great scope choice, I'm glad I'm planning on getting out tonight before you unbox those clouds!



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