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Delivery times for equipment

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I ordered an EQ mount and an SCT OTA in mid January, paid a hefty deposit  and was promised it's arrival in "one to two weeks" . I am now into the fourth week and there is still no sign of the equipment. All I get is" don't call us we 'll call you". I would like to know if this sort of delay is common in the astronomical equipment retail trade  in order to judge whether I am being unduly demanding. I feel that customers have a right not to be misled on delivery times by retailers especially when they have parted with significant sums as deposits. What do you think?

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I've found that some web sites indicate something is in stock when its not - but equally others will advise that you contact them to check stock or give some idea of when it will be in stock. My experience from suppliers I've used is that once in they dispatch it very quickly. If something is either unavailable or will take some time to get - the supplier should advise you - not take your money and leave you in the dark.

I would be inclined to contact them, and ask for some specific shipping date or when they expect it will be in stock. If they do not know - ask for a refund and shop elsewhere.

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Thank you for your helpful replies gentlemen. My understanding is that the items are in the country but may not have been at the time of the order. Nevertheless, the promised delivery time was  2 weeks from the time of the order. I do not want to seem unreasonable or to create any acrimony with this retailer so have decided to wait a further week that is a full five weeks (35days) from the time of the order before taking further action.

Thank you for your help I hope for a satisfactory resolution but the matter has left a nasty taste.

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Sounds like one I ordered stuff off, the item should have been in stock because it was listed as a 'clearance item' and not a common one at that. So after a week I email to ask if it has been sent yet, reply was 'it will be sent early next week' with no further explanation. Yeah right, if a dealer can't actually be bothered to post stuff out to customers then that will be the last order they get from me.


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At 4 weeks in from a promised 2 weeks delivery, I would by now be creating 'acrimony' with this supplier.

+ I would be looking to the payment company to check on the deposit.

Kinda wierd to only pay a deposit to a retailer, as this indicates that they don't have the item in stock and need to order.

The "Don't call us, we'll call you" aspect is worrying to say the least.

My out of country supplier in Germany emails me to say what is happening with my latest order.


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I ordered an EQ mount and an SCT OTA in mid January, paid a hefty deposit  and was promised it's arrival in "one to two weeks" . I am now into the fourth week and there is still no sign of the equipment. All I get is" don't call us we 'll call you". I would like to know if this sort of delay is common in the astronomical equipment retail trade  in order to judge whether I am being unduly demanding. I feel that customers have a right not to be misled on delivery times by retailers especially when they have parted with significant sums as deposits. What do you think?

Service varies from the very good to the not so good depending on what and where you order. Communication is also dependent on supplier, some only work by telephone, some prefer email. We have a comprehensive section on 'supplier reviews' http://stargazerslounge.com/forum/90-supplier-reviews/ so if you have a browse around there, you might learn how your supplier 'normally' handles things. Once you get it sorted, one way or the other, please do post a review, good or bad.

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Unfortunately I think this is a fairly common problem. I ordered a `viewing chair` ; was told on ordering that it would be about 7 - 10 days before it would be delivered, so I thought probably be about 2wks plus. At 2 weeks I phoned and they said it would be in next week, still didn`t come in the following week, phoned again; yes, it will be in a few days time; still didn`t come in; eventually came into the store where I ordered it from about 6 wks after first ordering it! The store kindly sent it free of charge to my house.  Its all a bit of a pain, and perhaps a bit stressful wondering about the whereabouts of the gear you have paid for, but fortunately I think 99 times out of a 100 it will turn up: I have been in this situation several times, and eventually you get the goods.

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I first ordered my telescope from a reputable shop and was given a delivery date of the following Monday.  Monday came and went so I called them and was told they had been let down by their supplier and I would get it on Friday.  Call on Friday and was told it would now be in on Monday (probably).  At this point I cancelled the order as I do not like being messing about and not being kept up to date with what is happening with my order.  I accept that my reaction might be seen as being a little over the top, but it bugs me when a promised date is not met and I have to do the chasing (send me an e-mail saying there has been a delay and I am absolutely fine with that, as I know where I stand).  In my defense, I have aspergers and just don't handle missed deadlines very well, stresses me out, ridiculous I know, but true :rolleyes:.

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Well, I'm pleased to say that I was notified today that the goods are now in the shop and I can pick them up. This is 29 days after paying my deposit.  The delay has been irritating in the extreme but I am at least relieved not to have to go through the hassle of claiming my deposit back and perhaps having to go through the process again with another supplier. I shall be asking for an explanation from the shop and will pass on their comments.

Swarovski AT80 HD spotting scope, Zeiss Dialyt 7x40, Swarovski 8x32  roof prisms and Swarovski 10x 40 porro prism binoculars.

From 19th February.. Celestron C8 SCT and Celestron Advanced VX mount and a number of eyepieces.

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Through experience, i have learnt that we the buyers are at the mercy of the retailers. We place orders,money is gone from our banks right there and then and we are made to suffer in silence waiting for goods to arrive without being told very much from the retailer. We sit and wait (as long as it takes), because always in the back of our minds (well mine anyway) is the thought "if this is how poor their service is, just how long will it take to get a refund".

The above is worse case scenario. Luckily its only happened to me twice and neither was from an astro gear retailer.

In saying this, the last time it happened, they messed up my order (i got 2 of the same items but in different colours) and when they finally arrived...............the company said they would refund me the cost of one of the items and i could keep it, instead of incurring any costs to myself by returning it.

That was nice of them

Glad you are getting your order. I'd still ask questions and let it be known that you are very unhappy. They might give you a small token gesture refund or store credit. You deserve it.

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It seems that the delay was due to the extra demand for equipment which has arisen from the increasing popularity of astronomy as a pursuit. No doubt television has played a part in this, indeed, perhaps I am a manifestation of it since having spent much time in the study of freshwater biology and the very small, I have diverted at least some of my attention to things which are very far away. I believe the company did their best for me in the circumstances and wil not hesitate to deal with them again .Incidentally, I was able to benefit from a price reduction which has ocurred in the interim. And there , the matter can rest.

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