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Hey there everyone newb from Windsor


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Hi there everyone new to all of this always been interested just need help on my choice of scope. Posted in the correct section (I think) however have a feeling I have headed the posting wrong but hey ho.

Is there any shops I can go into and look at scopes and speak to someone face to face around Berkshire ?

Cheers guys


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   Hi Joel and welcome to the forums.

   If you go to the main page (list of categories) and click on "social groups", you may find one near you to contact via this listing. These groups usually have regular meetings that you can attend and have any questions answered as well as getting some "hands on" observing through several different size and types of scopes to help you decide which is the one you will be wanting to purchase.

  These friendly groups will be more honest with your questions than most shop's salesmen that may only be interested in making a sale. These social group members will be able to steer you to a reputable shop.

   In the meantime, any questions you have, just ask in the appropriate section.

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Welcome to SGL Joel. Defintiely a good bit of advise to see if you can find a local astro club, I bet there's something near you. You can always read the myriad of 'what scope' threads that are on the forum. It's a question that gets asked a lot and depending on people's requirements, help is always forthcoming. You may find that your circumstances are similar to others.

If you have any questions, do ask :smiley:

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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Hi Joel

I am also in Windsor. A good starting point would be to attend a meeting of the Baker Street Irregulars. They meet in Regents Park once a month. See http://bakerstreetastro.org.uk/ or https://www.facebook.com/groups/132196206819659/

They are very friendly and welcome beginners. Always loads of scopes to look at and through (clouds permitting).

Nearest shop is the Widescreen Centre in London (Near Baker Street). Very friendly chaps.

All the best.


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Hi and welcome to SGL :)

If there are no local shops you should check out http://www.firstlightoptics.com/ and have a browse then ask around on here for advice.

It all depends on your budget and wht you are looking at doing be it Astrophotography or just observing and is portability and storage an issue etc.

Everyone on this site will be happy to help and a few people even know what they are talking about so fire away!

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thanks for the warm welcome guys really appreciate it .

I think like as said before going and actually seeing theses scopes in the flesh or should I say metal and see just exactly how big, easy to use, portable, well built and what does what and overall price is going to be the best option as to not make the wrong decision.

Does anyone know of any other shops I could go to that are a little closer to windsor ?

thanks Joel 

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LeeWilky ...................... :Envy::Envy::Envy::Envy::Envy:

just a little bigger than I thought they are HAHA :grin:

I wil purchase a second house for mine when I finally decide on what one I get ;)

Haha when it arrived and I got it set up I sort of sat back and thought what the hell is that LOL! Wasn't expecting that big!

Prices wise it was only £415 for the whole thing so really not that bad if your looking at serious astronomy and in my case eventual decent Astrophotography.

Despite its size its easy to get in my car and set up at my dark site and once you have your head around polar aligment and balancing its easy :)

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk

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