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Hello n that.


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Hello everyone on the forum.

I've just bought my first telescope. Only a cheapo Celestron 130 Newtonian reflector with no goto. Thought I'd have a dabble with this before seeing if my interest will be maintained with the plan that I'll invest in something better in future. Only had it a week and it's been cloudy every night thus far. Anyway, I bought a couple of additional better quality Plossl lenses and a 2x Barlow, a Telrad finder and a couple of books which have now cost me more than the scope. I have managed to count the rivets on the fence on the other side of the cricket pitch so it seems to be working OK and checked a few cars to see if their tax discs are current.  

Don't know much about observational astronomy but I can find Orion, the Plough, the pole star and that big W thing  :embarrassed: and I know that that very bright thing high up at the moment is Jupiter. Hopefully if I hang around here I'll pick up some useful stuff along with what Prof Brian Cox tells me on the tele. Coincidentally I did study the same degree at the same University and as him but I can't play the piano and ended up in the aerospace industry. 

Anyway, I've going for a lurk on here for a bit to get a feel for the place before I start posting any daft questions; and I suspect I've got loads of those. 


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Hi Ian and welcome.

I now exactly where you're coming from. It seemed the postman was bringing me bits and pieces everyday when I first bought my scope and was left scratching my head at what I'd spent compared to what the scope cost!

Ask lots of questions and the only dumb question is the one not asked.


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Thanks for the welcome fellas. I got a bit engrossed in some articles on sky and telescope earlier and learned quite a lot of stuff but I've bobbed back in here as I want to make this home. I noticed by pure chance that one of my mates through my leaf-sprung land rover forum also posts in here too (we also have a sticky devoted to all things astronomical on our forum) as he uses the same handle. I pinged him on the LR forum but he's not response yet. It's no co-incidence that I've arrived here because of "Yeti Monster" because on one of our land rover meets I spent a few hours peering through his Dobsonian mounted Newtonian, resembling a dustbin at a jaunty angle looking at Saturn's rings whiich I'd never seen before outside of a book,That quietly conviinced me to buy a scope at some point. I PM'd him on the LR forum last week but no reply yet so I suspect he's still looking for oil in the South China seas.

It was only part cloudy tonight so bobbed outside with my 7x50 bins and had a look at Jupiter and its moons and the nebula in Orion's belt before it clagged in. Went inside then discovered(sic) the rest of the Ardbeg I'd been supping at Christmas, so all in all a good night.

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Hi, Ian, and a warm welcome to SGL! (I'm at the other end of the M65 in East Lancs)

Hiya HIP.Whereabout off the 65 are you then. Are you a member of any Astro Soc. I went to Southport AS the other week and also fancy having a look in at Bolton AS at their next meeting.

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