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Hi from Worcestershire


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I became interested in astronomy during the summer of 2011 after catching the tail end of The Sky at Night and Patrick Moore et al discussing seeing the ISS from the UK. No way I thought! Joined the local astronomy group a week or so later, and bought a pair of binoculars. Bought a beginners book and couldn't put it down. I was so ignorant of the night sky - up until then all I knew was the Plough, Orion and the Moon.

I really wanted to get into imaging but wasn't sure what to get - or even that I would stick at the hobby! After spending hours/days on the web trying to decide on the best first scope, I realised I just had to jump in and get something. My first scope was a Skywatcher 130mm Newtonian on an alt-az goto mount. Agreed, not the best choice for imaging but someone said get a goto mount so I did. Still, it got me started both for visual observing and imaging the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn.

Suffice to say I have gained quite a bit more gear since I started out, made some costly mistakes but I am learning all the time. Astronomy can be an expensive hobby but especially so with astrophotography. I'm looking forward to learning from people here and hopefully to encourage others in their hobby.

Here are a few of my early images that got me hooked...




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Welcome to SGL

Nice image of the Moon, too.  I reckon it might be possible to squeeze a bit more out of Saturn though :)


Thanks for the welcome James. I don't think I got the focus right on Saturn. I tried reprocessing in Registax a while ago, but there wasn't really any improvement. Perhaps I will revisit it again. :smiley:

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