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What's a good 3X Barlow lens ?

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Hello Terry - the 3xTAL barlows are very good for the price. I have one but I understand they are difficult to get hold of nowadays. One might come up secind had also.

I'll second that, not that I've tried too many others. The Tal is very robust.

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Green Ninja........Hi,   I liked the Revelation 2.5x Barlow, but its a bit too much power for the 6mm (had) and 5mm(own) EP's (the 6mm TMB has been returned in favour of a 5mm? I'll auction the 2.5x in favour of a revelation 2x Barlow in 2"  format with a 1.25" adaptor, something you may want to consider. I didn't realise until this weekend that  the Barlow could adapt to accommodate  ALL  my EP's. I would have needed two Barlow lenses, one for the 2" Panaview.

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The Bresser SA 3x Barlow is very good (I have it in the guise of a Meade 3x TeleXtender), but quite a bit more expensive. The difference between a simple achromatic 2x Barlow and the 2x TeleXtender I have is quite noticeable. The Celestron and Tal barlows do have a good rep, but I never looked through them.

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I'm also after a 3x. I'd be happy with the Tal (I have the 2x) but as everyone knows they are hard to obtain. The 2.5x Revelation apo one is a strong contender. I have the 2x achro and my only complaint is the slight colour fringing, which I guess the apo shouldn't show. I barlow regularly though and wonder if just this once it's worth paying more for premium equipment eg Televue. I use Skywatcher and Tal newts, Skywatcher frac and mak, with Revelation Astro and Tal plossls.

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I've seen an Ostara 3X Barlow with integral T2 mount for my camera for £50 on Ebay and a "northern" astro website.

Would this be a fair price and performance do you think?

I'd like to get some close up shots of the lunar surface for starters.

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I've seen two at Skys the Limit. One is said to be the ED type and the other has three elements but is oddly described as achromatic rather than apochromatic. They are around £30. Just wondering if anyone here has tried them.

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Thought you could still get the TAL x2, x3 at TAL Teleoptics in the US, its just they are no longer imported into the UK (think the Russians also did a x4 though never seen one)...though I have never used them to purchase anything, and also not sure what the situation would be in terms of getting one over and the cost of customs etc....I was considering getting one, but then thought I could get a Baader 2.25 x for about £45 so is there really a difference. though would be nice to have one for my growing TAL collection.. :grin:

My brother in law lives in LA, so you never know....

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Hi Green Ninja,

I use a 2.8x Klee Barlow and very pleased with it. A month ago I borrowed a 2.5x Revalation Barlow from a work colleage and I was impressed with it too.

The 'green & black' (ie TeleVue) Barlow's and Power Mates are highly regarded too.

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Was just looking at Astro Buy and Sell and saw a Tal x3:- http://www.astrobuysell.com/uk/propview.php?view=76237

Usual disclaimer.

HTH and good luck.

Someone should snap that up. 

I agree with the other who say TAL are about the best (for the price). I had a 2x and loved it but stopped using it and sold it and went to fixed focal length EP's instead. I did buy a 1.5-2x Revelation barlow, but didnt and still dont use it much. I seem to remember it being very blurry and dark on images when using it. It was maybe a "monday morning" job.

Now i pretty much exclusively use a Hyperion 8-24mm zoom with my scope(s). Expensive, but works for me due to circumstances.

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I've seen an Ostara 3X Barlow with integral T2 mount for my camera for £50 on Ebay and a "northern" astro website.

Would this be a fair price and performance do you think?

I'd like to get some close up shots of the lunar surface for starters.

Which "Northern" website. There a few, north of Watford

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