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If you could visit one place in space.....


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I would like to be on planet Earth when we hopefully discover we are not alone. :earth:

The thought of what might be out there blows my mind and is part of why I love astronomy!

I've been thinking about playing around with some Hubble Legacy images as I can't image DSO's so much now, and a few of the images I have looked at have all these "little" galaxies peppered around. :shocked:

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The place I'd like to be is actually a place in time.

Right here on prehistoric Earth. Looking out across the lush tropical landscape at passing dinosaurs.

A more spectacular location is difficult to imagine!

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I'd like to travel out to a white dwarf and carry back home with me a chunk of its heart. With the proceeds generated I'd sort out world poverty, buy all the homeless a little flat, and get myself a self-styled Epicurian Garden and build upon it two gorgeous observatories, one dedicated to day light, the other for the night.  

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Mars when it had an atmosphere and water.

Seconding this. Mars in its prime would be magnificent. Heck, Mars today is amazing.

But where would you go to see that? :)

It doesn't matter, since it was everywhere after all.
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So if you could visit one place at space, in any time what would it be? 

I would choose big bang or the horse nebula :D

I would love to go anywhere as far as it is in space! :)

  A flyby of Venus? A walk on the Moon or Mars?

  Or A visit to another star surrounded by weird planets maybe?

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The trouble with the universe is that it is a little like porridge: mostly too hot or too cold.

I would choose big bang....

While a glimpse of how our universe came to be would also be my first choice, knowing the capricious nature of genies I'd be wary of making that wish. :smiley:  Oddly, looking at the earliest moments of the Big Bang wouldn't tell us anything we don't already know - that it was too hot for matter to form. There is a common misconception that the Big Bang Theory deals with the origin of the universe. It doesn't, it covers its (very!) early history and evolution from that point. Whether it is meaningful to talk of time before our universe was created is not known.

20th July 1969 Tranquillity Base. To say thank you Mr Armstrong and Mr Aldrin.

Boy, as if we don't have enough moon-landing conspiracy theories already!

Mars when it had an atmosphere and water.

Good choice, that would be high up my personal list.

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It doesn't matter, since it was everywhere after all.

But there is nowhere for you to wait for it to happen, even when it happens there is no light for you to see it.

I'd like to sit on Voyager 1 and see all the amazing things its seen and going to see

I wouldn't go right now, there is very little to see. Even the sun looks like just another star.
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Enceladus, Europa, Titan, Io, Mars, Venus, Earth in the past, ISS. Actually, pretty much anywhere, space is such an amazing place I don't think I'd want to limit myself to one small part of it should I be able to leave the safe confines of Earth.

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