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I have never bought a telescope before and I am thinking about starting out as it would be a great interest for my Son to also get his teeth into, so I am looking for a few pointers to say the least but coming here is the best first step to make, so I shall be posting a help me post on the help board.

Thanks peeps.


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Welcome to SGL :)

What sort of budget are you looking at?  And what would you like to look at?  Planets and the moon or Deep Space Objects?  Also would size matter because you can get some very large scopes at very reasonable prices these days.

I recently bought an 8 inch reflector for £415 that is as tall as me and almost weighs as much lol!


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Hi and welcome to the forum. If your budget is sufficient to buy a scope, the dobsonian design is the way to go to in order to obtain as much aperture (size of mirror = resolution/detail) for your bucks than any other type of scope. The 'dobsonian' mount is a simple design that not only allows most of your budget to go where it matters (...the mirror) but also also provides a sturdy base from which to point the scope. The alternative way to mount your scope will be to use an 'equatorial' mount (which to the untrained eye looks like a complicated tripod arrangement) are at lower end of the budget simply not sturdy enough and tend to bobble about every time you touch the scope or mount which makes getting precise focusing very frustrating. Food for thought!  :grin:

Clear skies and enjoy the forum


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Welcome aboard! Way to get your son involved in a great hobby. 

I'm quite new to this as well, but I have been quite pleased with my SLT. Good views of the moon and Jupiter as well as a fairly decent view of Orion Nebula in a low to moderate light pollution area. The GOTO feature of the mount is very simple and easy to use. 

Just my 2 cents.

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