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Hi everybody!

I'm pretty new to astronomy. Sure I've looked at the moon and a few stars in the past with bins but nothing too serious. Kind of had a life changer the other week when, on a whim, i pointed my bins at Jupiter. Could only make out 3 moons... but that was 3 more than i had expected and it blew me away.  Got 4 this morning though  :wink:

So now I'm hooked. Have selected a scope and just checking out a few other details before i buy. While trying to figure out what to get Mr Google kept leading me to threads here which answered my questions perfectly. So big thanks to everyone for that!

Looking forward to learning more and making amazing discoveries.



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Just joined yesterday and don't really know much about astronomy so I'm sorry I can't offer any advice yet but will happily share all my mistakes when I do buy a scope. I'm hoping to learn here too and everyone seems to be really friendly. Enjoy the forum....there is a wealth of knowledge in the posts...:)

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Thanks Guys, glad to be here!

So much information and inspiration. 

dd33 - Great location! How i envy you!  I moved from Glasgow to London bout 18 months ago. Ironic I should wait till now to get into astronomy considering the LP here.  :smiley:


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Welcome to SGL, Mark. I'm sure you'll find the answers to all of those niggling questions you're most likely going to have buried amongst the multitude of posts throughout these forums. Don't be afraid to use the search bar... It hasn't failed me yet!

All the best,


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Hi Zuben,

Skywatcher Explorer 150PL

Should arrive mid to late next week. Course it will be cloudy for 2 weeks now that I've bought it :)


I have heard good things about this scope, I'm sure you will be very happy with it (once the clouds disappear of course!). I've got a 150PDS that I use for imaging. Skywatcher telescopes are popular for a reason - good quality optics and excellent value  :smiley:


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