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Where were you during the Apollo 11 Moon landing?


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I was trying to be in two places at once. One, glued to the television. Two, outside on the porch gazing at the Moon. I remember it as though it were yesterday, it was the most amazing thing in history, and I'll never forget it. 8) 8) :)

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LOL! I think the rest of the forum weren't even born at the time of the Apollo 11 moon landing, Astroman; hence the lack of replies to this thread.

Doesn't that make you feel ancient!

And at the time I was too young to remember - a mere twinkle in the milkman's eye! :)

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No problem, James. I love this site. It has all the info you can handle on the hardware, plus it even has the BAD pictures the astronauts took-like when Pete Conrad on Apollo 12 got off the LEM and pointed the video camera at the Sun. POOF! No video! Wasn't funny then, but it is now. :?

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plus it even has the BAD pictures the astronauts took-like when Pete Conrad on Apollo 12 got off the LEM and pointed the video camera at the Sun.

Hehe i remember reading about that Astroman what a plonker! :):) but still a hero amougst men :)


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LOL! I think the rest of the forum weren't even born at the time of the Apollo 11 moon landing, Astroman; hence the lack of replies to this thread.

I was 3 months old, my recollection of the event is a bit hazy......

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  • 7 months later...

I was ten at the time.& Remember begging my dad,to allow me to stop up late to watch it .(most of the best bit's happend in the early hours...which was bit of a rarity for the beeb because they used to shut down at about 11 at night)

I also remember getting the taste for beer for the first time,cos the pub's would give last order's at 10pm and dad would come home with half dozen brown ale's :lol::)


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Grief this makes me feel really old, I watched with a load of mates in the TV lounge on an RAF base somewhere in the UK. I always seemed to be working for most of the landings, but managed to catch most in the either the rest rooms or NAAFI bars (?).


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I was allowed to stay up for the landing I will allways remember how fascinatedI was with it all and my mother worrying away about the how late it was and that the only reason they had put it on so late was that way you would not be able to detect the mirrors they were using to fool everyone FACT ! She really believed at the time she kept saying over and over its all done with mirrors We didn't argue too much just in case we were sent off to bed

Great days

One small step for man one great night up for me!

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1969, I was 11 at the time of the moon landing. The BBC started covering the apollo missions on live from Apollo 8 onwards and I was gripped. the broadcasts were presented by Cliff Mitchlemore but James Burke was the star of the show. Patrick Moore was also heavily involved. What was the intro music???? It was fantastic and encapsulated the grandeur and excitement of the whole project. Everyone believed in the power of technology in those days.

The landing occured in the early hours uk time. I got up early to watch the recordings but missed was in bed at the actual moment. The pictures were terrible quality but the thought of them coming from the moon was amazing.

This was the best TV ever. It made us feel good about the world. We didn't appreciate at the time on just how thin a thread the whole mission hung. We thought massive computing power controlled everything. It was a phenomenal achievement and one ofwhich we can all feel proud

James Burke is largely forgotten. I wish I could remember the composer of that music. Can anyone help with that?

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I remember the day. I was driving hell bent for election across the top of Toronto going from my cousin's apartment to the airport, where my Aunt and Uncle from England were coming in. I was driving an Envoy Special, and doing my best to keep up with my cousin's much more powerful American car. I believe the astronauts actually landed while I was on that highway, and I listened to it on the car radio. I know I saw it on television later in the day.

My Aunt and Uncle stayed a couple of weeks, then went back to England, and sent us a commemorative plate of the Moon landing. We hung it on the wall, and it moved with us to our next house. The day before the next visit of our Aunt and Uncle, the plate fell off the wall and shattered. I'm sure there is a deep significance hidden in there somewhere.

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My Aunt and Uncle stayed a couple of weeks, then went back to England, and sent us a commemorative plate of the Moon landing. We hung it on the wall, and it moved with us to our next house. The day before the next visit of our Aunt and Uncle, the plate fell off the wall and shattered. I'm sure there is a deep significance hidden in there comewhere.

Yes WH its just like if you drop a slice of buttered bread onto a carpeted floor, the chance of it landing buttered side up are directly proportionate to the cost of your carpet :lol:

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Stayed up all night watching the program on TV then stayed off work the next day to continue watching. How could one forget that momentous occasion when Armstrong said those immortal words. I was a meer 32 years old then with all the kids sitting open mouthed and asking was it real.


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