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What's been the highlight of your astro year?


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For me, there's been several. But the one highlight has to be my one night 'smash & grab' session at Kelling in September. I was only there for the Saturday night but apart from the social aspect, that was a seminal night for me. Loads of objects, loads of 'wow' mements especially with Martin's Nagler :rolleyes: and waking up at 5am to relieve myself and seeing Daz, SteveL and Martin still imaging away! As Roy Castle said, dedication's what you need...Certainly a night that's going to stick in my mind. If Kielder had cleared up for a night, that could have been even more awsome but....


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Lunar eclipse in March

First visual of Saturn... need I say more

Second visual of Saturn with the new NS8GPS

Kelling Spring... fog+mist+dew and all

First image of M16... OK, it was cr_p, but to me it was still amazing. Cant wait for it to return to get a better shot at it

Watching the ISS+Shuttle whizz overhead as my NS8GPS+SatelliteTracker kept it in field of view

<joke>Getting an early night at kelling, waking up at 4.45am and wondering why Tony was looking oddly at me... </joke>

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To be honest meeting up with members of Sgl in Wales and Kelling have been a highlight. :D

Taking my first long exposure image was a great feeling :(:clouds1:


Meeting Sir Patrick at his home is the Icing on my Astro cake this year :rolleyes:

And Gregs Chilli of course :lol:

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The main highlight of my year was the meet at Kelling. The skies were gorgeous, the company was magnificent and the food was first rate (chilli could have been a bit hotter though). If you think people are helpful on the forum, then you'll be in for a treat at a star party.

There were other highlights like my first view of Saturn through a decent sized telescope, but the one that should not go undocumented was receiving the filter wheel I bought from Daz - I doubt anyone will have ever used more original packing materials. Its probably better that I don't elaborate on what they were. Come to Kelling next Spring and Daz or I might tell you! :rolleyes:


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The lunar eclipse in March, which I guess set me off into Astronomy (or in that instance bad astrophotography :rolleyes:) although I hadn't realised it at the time. After getting my Bins a couple of months ago, each triumph of being able to find something up there that wasn't visible without them, and learning my way (somewhat) around the winter sky.

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My highlight of the year was using my new telescope for the first time and seeing the ring nebula. This was the first time I had ever seen anything like it. The other highlight was arriving in the Northern hemisphere and seeing a completely different sky - mainly M31 at first.


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Difficult to pick just one so:-

1. Starting astronomy again after many years gap.

2. Getting the first image with the 350D

3. Getting the autoguiding to work after a lot of messing about.

4. Have one of my images published in "Practical Astronomer Magazine"

and finally,

5. Just chatting to you guys and gals on the forum


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The highlight of the year has got to be meeting some of the SGL crew at Kielder Forest (thanks Tony (Whiplash) for the pitch). The icing on the cake was staying on for the Sunday night and getting 7 hours of awesome views including getting a nice shot of the Milky Way through Cygnus posted on Richard Darns Kielder Star Party page.

Thanks to Tony, Daz , Jamie, Gordon and all for the hospitality. I just wish the weather had been kinder to them. Heres to clearer skies for you lot next time.


(click to enlarge)

The other highlight was seeing the Veil Nebula through Mike Cooks 16" LX200R at Kelling Heath it was like seeing it in 3D truly awesome.



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This has been my first full year with a telescope, I got my first one 14 months ago, so every first view of an object has been a highlight. Out of all of them, I would say waiting for and then seeing Saturn emerge from behind the moon back in June and managing to capture some images of the event.

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For me

The hook up between saturn and the moon earlier this year

finally taking a look at the owl cluster and,

around 3 weeks ago sat in my garden having a look at the waxing moon through my 66mm wo scope and wo binoviewers - loved it.


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January - joining SGL...

March - discovering my next door neighbour is into astronomy and 2 days later finding out that he has friends who live in a dark area... :rolleyes:

April - my first star party! Sunday night at Kelling - clear all night. Fantastic :lol:

August - South West Astronomy Fair. I wasn't able to stay during the (clear) evening but met Steve & Greg and my wife came away thinking maybe my interest in Astronomy wasn't such a bad thing.

Also - SGL 3.5. Only a few clear hours on the Thursday night but got to meet lots of SGL members.

In October my second child was born. He's not an astro highlight as such (in fact he's scuppered several potential observing sessions) but I had to mention him...

There are more but the above is enough to be going on with!


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Four main highlights of the year for me:

1. March 3/4 lunar eclipse, also happened to be my 40th birthday as well - what a present.

2. Moon/Saturn occultation, even managed to get the neighbours excited with this one.

3. Meeting the SGL crew at Kielder, thanks to all for the hospitality shown.

4. Comet Holmes, what a spectacle.

Just starting to prepare the foundations for an observatory in the back garden, finally persuaded Mrs Paxo that its a good idea.

Hope everyone has an excellent 2008.



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Kelling Heath in April (met Maccers - James, and Coatesg - Graham); got to see Veil Nebula for the first time

Lunar Eclipse - took loads of photos, not many very good though :lol: - still may have another play

SGL 3 and 3.5

Kelling again in Sept - awesome weekend, got to look through the WO 110 which I just loved, great social event and seeing Orion rise was just amazing. Also when Venus rose, realising that it was casting shadows!!!

Kielder - again, great social event, when the milky way is visible through the clouds, you know its dark

Others include

Being asked to be assistant astronomer at Bedford School, getting the obsy shed (although not yet installed), and of course, watching SGL grow and grow and grow!!!!

Best to all for 2008 :rolleyes:

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Highlight, er hard to say as a lot happend this year

built my observatory and bought a 10" LX200 classic

Lunar eclipse

first starparty, Kelling in Spetember, great meeting SGL members

Won an Astrotrac

A good year and happy new year to you all


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so very much has happened this year it's so hard to say... amongst them

- SGL 3 and getting to know all the SGL members face to face.

- M51 through the 300P from that event :shock:

- seeing orion for the first time in like 6 months

- walking down a road in Bathgate with my new-to-me ED80 and putting it in the car alongside my new-to-me HEQ5 8) :rolleyes:

- and last but not least, the March lunar eclipse 8)

It's been a great year.


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Getting the Lightbucket in August and seeing the ring and dumbell nebulaes in sept. Seeing detail on Mars. My galaxy finding night a couple of weeks ago when I tripled the amont of galaxies I'd seen. Comet Mcnaught and Holmes were wow moments too.

Looking forward to more of the same and hopefully (Shift pattern at work permitting) attending a star party or two.

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Here's mine

-March lunar eclipse

-May Saturn occultation

-Comet Holmes, won't forget that weird one in a hurry!

-Capturing a very satisfying image of the ISS with webcam through my dob

-Turning the power button on my brand new EQ6 Synscan I treated myself to and hearing those motors go :rolleyes:


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I would have to say Comet Holmes, and the two lunations I really, really observed the Moon. I can't wait to get a clear sky and a high Moon again.

Another highlight was my trip to clear skies at Cherry Springs last May, and a chance to add a number of Messier objects and other sights to my list.

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