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There have been problems in the past where some people would post inflamatory statements and then edit them out or delete the postsso the site admins have decided that post editing isn't available until new members have reached a number of posts after reaching this post can be edited for a short period of time before they become locked for editing except by members of the mod team...

I will have to check what the edit limits are.

Currently it's 250 posts and you then have 30 mins to edit the post.


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I've been on the forum for a few months now, and I always find it an extremely handy source of info, and if I have a problem, I can just ask it on here and I will get an answer in no time! It's particularly useful for people (Like me) who aren't in any astronomical society, or even personally know any other astronomers (I think the lack of astronomers of my age is to blame for that).


EDIT (Slightly ironic):

When do you get this feature anyway?

You can edit your posts after you've made 250 posts

Edited by Superdavo
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  • 2 weeks later...

What an awesome site. I have been accessing the information on here relatively regularly for the last 3 years. I have run forum type sites in the past, it's can be a lot of work. Thanks to everyone involved in running this and well done!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been browsing this site since I decided to purchase my first 'telescope' a few months back and all I can say is what a wealth of knowledge there is on this site! True community feeling with people trying to help each other out, even with some obvious newcomer questions like some I've posted. Hope the site keeps going on and on in the same spirit!

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I've been browsing this site since I decided to purchase my first 'telescope' a few months back and all I can say is what a wealth of knowledge there is on this site! True community feeling with people trying to help each other out, even with some obvious newcomer questions like some I've posted. Hope the site keeps going on and on in the same spirit!

I could not agree more. It is so rare to find such a knowledgeable community with enthusiasm, a lack of condescension and a desire to share experiences and help all from complete beginners to experts. You often come away with more questions than you started with, but later on realise that this is a good thing.
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  • 1 month later...

If it is a result of the feedback you receive, the people using this forum, or both, I don't know. What I do know is my very first post asking questions resulted in numerous and almost immediate replies which addressed my concerns perfectly. I feel at home already. What a great group!

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  • 3 weeks later...

In can only echo what the majority are saying and that I never have to wait long for sound advice and help. Can you send someone round to make these clouds go away, I've done nothing but clean the dam thing since I got it. Are there Stars up there....... Really?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks too Swindon Stargazers for linking into the lounge. Stargazers Lounge is a mine of information and whilst being a newbie here the members are so friendly and helpful. Long may it be like that too, there is such a lot too read and you can take part in just about any astronomical subject (excuse the pun ) under the sun.I look forward too being a member of the lounge and posting in the threads.

Clear sky's too all.

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I joined in January 2013, but haven't felt able to contribute much, because as a beginner I've found there is so much to learn. Iv'e read quite a few posts on setting up an equatorial mount, as I have an Ioptron IE30 Go-To mount, which I am still coming to grips with. To date, I haven't found anyone else who has this mount, although I must say that SSL has been really helpful in giving me a lot of helpful tips on lining up an equatorial mount with Polaris etc, and am gradually beginning to understand the basics of setting up. In spite of an excellent manual, learning to operate a Go-To, I find is quite daunting, however your site has inspired me to take the plunge and go to a beginners telescope course at the Southdowns Planetarium near Chichester West Sussex recently, which has also been very helpful.

I'm really grateful to those in the forum who gave me good advice on powering the mount to my mains supply, in the very few posts I have written, at the beginning of this year!

Thanks for your site


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  • 5 weeks later...

I have just now signed up. I'll intro myself in the appropriate forum later as I'm about start work but the reason I've popped here is to find out more about working in the line of astronomy.

I'll elaborate elsewhere but would like to know if there's a suitable forum for 'careers & working' or would I be best to begin in the 'Getting Started / Help & Advice' forum?

Thanks, Russ.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm fairly new to astronomy and I only recently joined this forum, so far the support from members has been excellent with all questions asked being answered very quickly.  I can't think of anything at the  moment which would improve things but if I do I'll post a suggestion.

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I have only been on here for a few days and have found everybody to be very friendly and helpful. Never have to wait long before someone replies. I cant wait to get more experienced so I can ask more questions about bigger things than what books to read and what sites to look at. I am sure that there will be mixed comments that I can pick the ones that are relevant to myself.

It is great having such an encyclopaedia of information at my fingertips.

Thank you and keep up the good work.

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In my short time using the Forum it has been very useful and very helpful; members are very good at giving one useful advice where requested and other handy tips which may not have otherwise been considered........ Altogether a friendly, welcoming and useful site: glad I have become a part of it :-)

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So glad to have found this site. A very warm and encouraging environment. The wealth of practical experience and advice is second to none. I hope to one day be able to offer back the same level of experience and advice to other beginners. Keep up the good work.

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What can I say? The people, help and advice on this forum have been just more than completely awesome and amazing and quite frankly invaluable. I became a member after I'd researched and selected the scope I wanted to purchase, just with the aim of getting some feedback and confirmation from people who know, that I had made a decent selection according to my needs before parting with all my money. Little did I know it would become an invaluable source and a wealth of help and expertise in anything and everything, and that it would remain so I'm sure, all the while I still have a scope. 

As I've said the help and advice is amazing and you people have no doubt saved me a lot of money and heartbreak on bad purchases, and equally, pointed me in the right direction for good quality bits of kit. 

In a sentence, I'd have been lost without you all, so many, many thanks.

I think this site and the people in it are going to be a constant companion of mine for years to come...

(Only thing, I have hit a link on one occasion taking me to an articles page. It was some discussion on EP's I think, that was important but had become so long and convoluted that it had been turned into an article. When I followed the link, no links for any articles appeared. I got a side menu on the right, but whatever I clicked on was empty and the page remained blank. And now, I cant even find a link to the empty articles page that I'd been directed to! So, if its not something to do with my computer and its just the site, some 'beginners guides' on scopes, EP's, filters, would be ace and a quick resource. Its all there in the wonderful forums but a small quantity of beginners articles would be timesaving and brill! (mind you, the wealth of knowledge one simply picks up from trawling through the forums has been invaluable, so actually, maybe that is the best strategy for gaining knowledge after all!)

Thanks to all you people,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe operator error, but would be nice to be able to store links and pdf's in our 'gallery' section. I understand this is an admin, server, overhead, but would be nice.

Aside from that what a great community you've put together.

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Hi Guys

I am new here, but have enjoyed the discussions, technical feedback and links to further reading posted by the knowledgeable membership.

I look forward to taking a greater part in discussions as my knowledge increases.


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After purchasing my first telescope 2 weeks ago I came across this site and was blown away with the mass of help and advice on offer. Being a total beginner with very little knowledge, I feel I have been given an understanding of what the sky has to offer and there is always somebody available yo help and answer questions I have 24 hours a day. I Feel privileged to be a part of this amazing site. I would massively recommend SGL to anybody interested in stargazing.

Thank you sgl for all your help and long may it continue

Mark (newbie)

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Hi, I've only been a member for a few days but have found everybody very friendly and willing to share their experiences with you and offer constructive criticism, encouragement and praise. Just a thought............. I am sure that some more seasoned members have answered the same question many times and whilst they seem to retain the enthusiasm to do so, it may be taking up time which they could devote to more unusual questions. Not sure whether this is feasible or whether it is already possible but could the answers to these FAQ's be stored and indexed by the member in their profile somewhere so that when necessary they could supply a link to their answer rather than endlessly retyping or cutting and pasting.

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