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There's something about the thought of a 250mm kaleidoscope that appeals to me. Of course the tube is but a part of it, it's the ancillaries that cost the real money.

And then there's imaging...

Edited by Andrew-77
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Hi Guys

I am new to this forum but have also found it very useful! I went out last night with my new Celestron 6SE. Alignment of the go to was not easy but I'm pretty sure I will crack it tonight. I've ordered an external power tank as using AA batteries is a waste of time and money. Optics are great and I got a clear view of Venus, Mars and a few stars. No doubt I will be asking for advice soon - mainly where there are good dark skies near Southampton!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I find this site excellent for new sky watchers like my self who no nothing. There is plenty of help from every aspect of the hobby

and no one minds when I ask what to them may be a really stupid

question thanks to everyone who is helping me and others like me.

Geoff :)

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I will chip in on a couple of the comments regarding utube videos and tutorials from members of the forum...

It seems a waste of time because there are numerous videos already out there...BUT!!

I am a moderator of a camera forum and i have run a large series of tutorials on that forum because i have found that MANY of the videos out there are either WRONG or very confusing, the old addage that just because it is on the internet doesnt make it right has been proved true many, many times. I even had the forum owner fall pray to a video on photoshop, which i later was asked to do a tutorial on the subject as it was criminally incorrect!

So, i for one would MUCH rather read or watch a tutorial from a trusted member on here, especialy when other experienced members give the tutorial the thumbs up or contribute little pointers of thier own. In my experience on the other forum this has proved invaluable to many members.

Would give some of the experienced members something to do on the cloudy nights!

This forum is however excellent and i am very glad i joined, thank you for your hard work.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have had an interest in astronomy for many years but never had the financial clout to get what I dreamed of. Joining this group of stargazers was a very good move as I have had some very sound advice from many members. Six months down the line I now possess the equipment I always wanted and it was purchased through advice from this community.

I would like to offer sincere thanks to all the members who have helped in the past and for all the future advice I will doubtlessly need. I can't really offer any opinion on how to improve things around here but it will be interesting to figure out all the options in this new forum sofware.

Also, without a doubt the amount and duration of cloud cover is directly proportional to the cost and anticipation of using a new set-up :rolleyes:

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You guys are doing a fantastic job, the update has been wonderful and the attention and help from the admin and mod crew is always brilliant. What is there to improve?

The only thing I can think of is that I wished you guys in the UK, all of you, would have just a little less cloud. Sure, everyone knows it rains a wee bit in the UK and for this you have such beautiful countrysides, but it would be nice for you guys to get just a few weeks clear running at a time. I feel this is only fair, the only just action by way of compensation for the awesome advice, help and kind sentiments you share with all here.

So, does anyone have Nature's email or home address, for I'd be only too pleased to drop her a line and ask her to look out a bit for you guys and gals in the UK?

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What he said ;). This forum is most excellent, and I think the stickies in particular are very helpful, as are the good and knowledgeable folks who have answered my questions and put up with my posts ;). I also think the thread on how big telescopes is great too - I only wish I'd found the forum sooner, as I may have been a bit more clued up on where I want to go with the hobby and what kit I needed to start.

Really liking the update to the forum too, now I've had a day or ttwo to get used to it!

By the way, happy to swap a week or two of our rain for your spanish sunshine, Qualia :)

Edited by Marki
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so happy i joined SGL ive gained so much knowledge & info in the last couple of weeks i wouldnt of got anywhere else

everyone is so helpfull, even when faced with my rediculous newbie questions

& just want to big up all the guys i spoke to at norman lockyer observatory before i bought my first scope from FLO who gave a great & speedy service to deliver my order

i salute you all


may mother nature be with you all

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As a total newcomer to Astronomy this forum's been invaluable. Great advice and really friendly and knowledgable people. I know I've got tons to learn but the forum makes it a very enjoyable experience. Thanks everyone.

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Just wanted to say that so far I've been stunned by how useful a resource SGL is and how helpful, and tolerant of newbie questions everyone is - I can't think of any other internet forum that I've ever used which is so welcoming. Thankyou all.

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I would like to let you know that I hold SGL personally responsible for a sudden depletion of funds from my account. At first I thought I had fallen victim to a phishing attack but now, having visited a number of psychiatrists, tarot readers, holy men and - in a moment of sheer desperation, economists - I have been diagnosed with "stella aspiciat mortiferum" or more commonly, "stargazeritis".

You will be hearing from my lawyers: please don't tell them where I am.

Thanks so much to everyone who works so hard to make this forum the wonderful bankrupting resource it is...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll be the first to admit that I'm at the bottom of what seems to be quite a steep learning curve, but the help I've been given so far has been genuinely and generously given despite what must have seemed some pretty dull questions. I'd like to thank all those that have so patiently offered their help so far and only hope that at some time in the future I can offer the same help and advice to those starting out.

A forum is only as good as it's members, And we've sure got some gooduns here!


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Have only been on here a couple of days and my total astronomy experience basically consists of a trip to jodrell bank when i was in college about 20 years ago (all i can really remember about it was it was awesome) and occasionally digging out my binoculars to have a look at the moon on a clear night, and i think a few months ago there were 2 planets close together (venus and jupiter i think but dont quote me on that). Apart from that, maybe pointing out the plow is as far as my 'expertise' goes (until i came across this site, i thought the m6 and m25 were only motorways, lol).

At the moment, apart from looking through some of the fantastic pictures posted on here im mainly looking through the beginners threads as i find a lot of the terminology can get a little overwhelming, but thats just me and my lack of knowledge at the moment.

Anyway, as far as first impressions go, the forum is spot on. Plenty of information available through a bit of reading/searching and plenty of friendly members who are always willing to help. Glad i found this site and hopefully will improve my knowledge and sky watching abilities over time, if this darned weather ever clears up. Thanks :)

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found the site really helpful and have recieved lots of opinions and advice with not TOO much bragging :laugh: about the hubbles in their garages.Lots of helpful people who give up their time to help..top site ..thanks :p

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I got 32 members replying to my simple 'hello' message - many of whom had written targeted, useful information and suggestions - quite amazing.

I still worry that my current lack of knowledge means it will be a long time before I can be of benefit to anyone else!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I`ve only just started asking questions but I am amazed at how quickly replies come in, all very helpfull to newbie who`s been out of astronomy for a good 20 years or is it 30?.and is amazed at how much more sophisticated the equipment is.So thanks in advance to all the people who help pass their knowledge on in a friendly fashion a Big Thank You

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found the site really helpful and have recieved lots of opinions and advice with not TOO much bragging :laugh: about the hubbles in their garages.Lots of helpful people who give up their time to help..top site ..thanks :p

special thanks has to go to aenima who has gone out of his way to advise and assist me...just one of many people who aren't afraid of giving their time to help us noobs....cheers guys n gals...nice to be in a forum that doesn't seem elitist...
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