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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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Hi Alex and welcome to our "little" thread.

I think Mark has covered it all - feel free to drop in and chat any time.

The website will give details of upcoming meetings and events, as well as the WADAS events thread.

Well, if the clouds keep clearing as they are doing, we might get a chance to spot the ISS passing over at 5.03pm at 58 degrees.

I'll give Tim Peake a wave as it passes over! :)

Hmmm, think it's just about typical the skies are clearing when we are booked for our curry.

Don't think I'll be in a fit state to do any viewing after the curry..... ;)

Moon is already up and looking lovely above the pink clouds of the sunset.

Might get my DSLR out ready for the ISS :)

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Hi Matt,

Im going tonight and im driving, so if you would like a lift there seen as your not far from me im more than happy to pick you up and take you if you wanted a few beers :)

The offers there anyway if you decide you would like to go.


I'm driving Chris if you want picking up? 

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Just had a good half hour doing some lunar imaging with the new Apo in the garden, in the middle of winter, with a t-shirt on! How mad!

Pretty pleased with the back of camera shots... Just gotta get them on the puter next.

Cloud has come over here now as well... Hope it clears just a little to see the ISS.

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Just had a good half hour doing some lunar imaging with the new Apo in the garden, in the middle of winter, with a t-shirt on! How mad!

Pretty pleased with the back of camera shots... Just gotta get them on the puter next.

Cloud has come over here now as well... Hope it clears just a little to see the ISS.

Yeah I can remember someone being out in minus temperatures in kielder with a t shirt on!  :tongue: It is a lot warmer than that though I've gotta admit

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Yeah I can remember someone being out in minus temperatures in kielder with a t shirt on!  :tongue: It is a lot warmer than that though I've gotta admit

I remember as well... You lot were out getting drunk doing some observing while the kit was freezing over, I was running about like a mad thing trying to get the kids to bed. No wonder I had a t-shirt on! :p

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A couple of 15 second exposures from the 17.03 ISS pass. Was very fortunate in that the ISS was being hotly pursued by a thick bank of cloud! :)

Any tuition on how to combine my ISS photos into a single panorama shot would be greatly appreciated.







Tried pritstick? [emoji6]

Sent from my SM-G901F using Tapatalk

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That sounds awsome! Wish him good luck from me [emoji106]

Thanks Ryan, I will, Jimmy has scored 32 goals this season for Ossett Town U8's, Leeds Utd & Huddersfield have also been watching him, all four grandsons are good players.

Ps: Sky not looking too bad at moment, will check later and hoping to get out for half hour or so.

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It's the ED80 yes, got it a couple of months ago... Didn't announce it as you'd all blame me for the clouds! ;)

Ah yea, you did mention it at the time. Think it was one of your Soupy bargains if I remember right ;)

Really looking forward to the curry night - just deciding whether to have a cheeky beer before Terry drops me off.....

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Thanks Ryan, I will, Jimmy has scored 32 goals this season for Ossett Town U8's, Leeds Utd & Huddersfield have also been watching him, all four grandsons are good players.

Ps: Sky not looking too bad at moment, will check later and hoping to get out for half hour or so.

That's fantastic! You must be really proud of him! Nothing like seeing your family do well. Good look to him.
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Well, another brilliant WADAS get together - thank you for a fab night with good company and friendly banter.

Thank you Mark for the lift home - I'm in my PJs already lol

Thought I'd beat Chris to the posting post hehe ;)

Looser!! Oh yea I beat you hehe. Was a great night, hope everyone has a lovley Christmas and hopefully we will arty some point in the future have some clear skies :)

Sent from my SM-G901F using Tapatalk

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Great night and had a good laugh all evening.

The presentation ceremony went down well with a few raised eye brows. Brilliant thought there Paul.

Fantastic turn out with I think 17 attending in the end.

Curry was very nice and as others have said what a great group of people.

Really enjoyed it and if it is clear I'm sure there will be more than enough of us wanting to get out for a meeting.

Many thanks


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